Friday, August 28, 2009

How to Save Money When Buying Domain Names in Bulk

If you are buying many websites you know that it can be a huge expense. There are some ways that you can save money buying in bulk. Check online auctions to see which domain names are discounted. You can usually find several great sites available for you to purchase. You can usually get these more than half off the regular price.

Check for discount coupons that you can use at check out. Just add the code at the checkout for the purchase and get money taken off. Buy several sites at the same time. Many times you can get a discount if you purchase several names in bulk at at one time. Check with your hosting provider you may have a package that allows you to have free domain names as long as you have the hosting company for your website hosting. Do a search for discount domain names.

This will bring up forums and websites that people are selling their sites. Sometimes you can get them already created and all you have to do is to tweak them to what you want the site to be. These can be more profitable because the domains will be aged and the search engines usually have already indexed them making it easier to get traffic to these sites. With these tips you will never have to pay full price for your next website. You can use these tips over and over saving you money on every domain name purchase that you make in the future.

Find out what domains are listed right now on auction sites and purchase your next domain name at a discount. You can get discount domain names every day if you are flexible.


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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Write a Cover Letter That Delivers

Cover letters accompany your résumé when you can't. They introduce you to your potential employer. Effective cover letters identify the position you are interested in by referencing the job title and the requisition number, when available. They add value to your résumé by highlighting your qualifications. There is no such thing as a good generic cover letter! If it is generic, then it won't be effective.

Your cover letter delivers when it brings you a telephone call or a face-to-face meeting. It should emphasize your skills and accomplishments as they relate to the organization and be easy to read.

Do Your Research

Do you have a contact in the organization? If so, ask if you can use his or her name in the letter to make a connection. If not, can you find a contact in the organization? It's worth checking to see if your best friend's mom has a cousin who works for the company. Whenever possible try to find a contact inside the organization. It usually makes for a warmer reception all around.

Before you begin to write your cover letter, know the job requirements and research the company! Visit the company's Web site. If you know someone who works for the company, talk to him or her to get the inside scoop. The more you know about the company-their products, services, and needs-the better able you will be to craft a cover letter that gets their attention.

Determine What You Can Offer

Now that you know what the company needs, determine how you can help them meet those needs. What can you do to solve the hiring manager's problems? Tie your knowledge, skills, and abilities directly to the job requirements and stress why you are an excellent fit for the position.

Polish Each Part

Every part of your letter has a job to do. Make sure each part works well!


The heading on your cover letter should match the heading on your résumé-it gives your package a professional appearance.


Job seekers frequently make the mistake of addressing their letters "To whom it may concern." My response to that is, does it concern me? Nope! Does it concern the guy at the next desk? Probably not!

Another ineffective salutation is "Dear Sir or Madam." Frankly, I may be a sir or a madam-but I am hardly both! Once again, it pays to do your research and find the name of the person who will be reviewing your résumé. Address the cover letter to that individual.

As a last resort, you can always use these salutations: "Dear Hiring Manager," "Attention Hiring Manager," or "Dear Reader." Because this is a business letter, always follow the salutation with a colon.

Opening Paragraph

Hook the reader with a must-read opening sentence. For example: "Congratulations on the recent article in the San Jose Mercury News, which described Data Delivery's rapid growth in the last six months." Or "Janet Jones of Clearwater Corp. suggested I contact you regarding the administrative specialist position." Note: you may only use Janet's name with her permission!

Your first paragraph must identify your reason for writing-your interest in a specific position. You should highlight the position and its corresponding reference number in bold type. That way, even if the person does not read your letter, he or she can easily identify the job category you best fit.


The second paragraph summarizes your experience and accomplishments. It explains why you are the person for the job. Be clear; don't expect the employer to take time to figure out why you'd be great for the position. Match your skills and qualifications with the requirements of the job. I prefer the two-column approach that puts your qualifications side-by-side with requirements, but you can use a list or simply write a paragraph.

Sample Two-Column Approach

Your requirements: Develop standard operating procedures
My Skills: Developed and implemented a tool calibration system to meet IS09001 requirements.

Sample One-Column Approach

My qualifications for the position include:

• establishing sales offices in France, Great Britain, and Spain

• recruiting and managing international sales representatives

• developing and implementing training programs for the European offices

• briefing staff on our products and those of our competitors

• generating more than $12 million in sales with excellent margins

Sample Paragraph Approach

For the past six years I have been involved with all phases of Human Resources Management with a Fortune 500 company. In my current position, I developed a competitive recruitment program, incorporated a 360° performance appraisal system, and designed a cutting-edge cafeteria-style benefit package that increased employee benefit options while keeping costs to a minimum. As you can see, these accomplishments are directly related to the requirements listed in your job posting.

Wrap-up Paragraph

In the third paragraph always tell them that you are looking forward to meeting with them to discuss your skills and experience. Let them know that you will follow up with them and approximately when. Use whatever words you are most comfortable with, but you must indicate that they can expect to hear from you soon.

Finally, thank them for taking time to review your résumé and/or for considering you for the position. Thank them for something. Most people are not thanked frequently enough, so set yourself apart by thanking the reader for his or her interest.


End your letter with "Sincerely" or "Best regards." Drop down four lines and type your first and last name. Drop down two lines and type "Enclosure" to indicate that you are enclosing your résumé. Sign your name above your typed name and include your résumé.

Mail It!

In every part of your letter, make it easy for the reader to screen you "in." Follow these guidelines and soon you'll get the jump on your competition!

Hi I'm Mary Jeanne Vincent, Career Expert and Strategist. I help people just like you reframe their background, rediscover their expertise and reclaim their career to make smart and rewarding career choices. I offer guidance to those who are searching for work that enriches their life as well as their bank account.

If you found this article valuable, imagine how much I can personally help you with your job search, career transition, or career success strategy by offering ideas, coaching, and advice for your unique situation. Contact me at 831.657.9151 or today to find out how I can personally help you succeed during this time of uncertainty. Get the guidance, support, and tools you need to successfully jump back into the job market.

* Get clear about your areas of expertise
* Gain clarity about your on-the-job contributions
* Confidently present your value to potential employers
* Develop an accomplishment-based resume that effectively sells YOU!
* Demonstrate your value an Expert rather than simply a job seeker
Sign up for the free career e-zine at

Sample Business Letter.
Read our Internet Marketing Techniques tips from our blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Be Safe When Using a Log Splitter

Prices for everything are constantly climbing. People all over are looking at ways to save money. Heating costs are a huge expense. No wonder people are returning to the wood burning type of heating. It used to have to be very hard work, but now with the help of a log splitter, it can be a far easier thing to do.

A log splitter has taken over for the maul. Mind you that a maul can be necessary at certain times, but not to the extent as it used to be. The log splitter has made it a far less treacherous task then years ago. There are many different log splitters that a person can choose from. Electric, manual, or hydraulic log splitters are all common choices that people use to help them complete the jobs that they are doing.

When picking a log splitter there are many sizes that you can choose from. Making a choice that is suitable for the needs that you have is a crucial. Professionals are going to need a far larger log splitter than a person that is using it just for personal use. Gasoline and diesel models of log splitters is another consideration that a person needs to make when deciding. Look at all options before jumping in with both feet.

The price that you will pay will vary. Motor size, portability, and many other factors will all be an issue when you look at the prices of log splitters. There are some very cheap ones out there, but you will need to shop around to get the best deal for you. Sometimes you will find older models on sale very cheap as they are making room for new styles.

Most importantly when you decide that a log splitter is something that you want to use. Make sure that you use it safely. Read the manual that comes with the machine as it will contain a lot of important safety tips that may be useful should a problem occur.

Wear proper clothing when running a log splitter. Safety boots and safety glasses are of huge importance. Wood pieces will be flying about and can cause serious injuries. The eyes can suffer greatly if they are not properly protected. Also be careful that your hands are out of the way at all times when the log splitter is running.

Too many people around the machine can also be dangerous. The person will not be paying enough attention to the log splitter when this happens. The only person that should be in the area of the machine is the person that is operating it. Remain at a distance until the machine has stopped.

Safety measures are not hard to follow, but they are often ignored. Not a wise thing to do when using such a large, heavy piece of equipment. A log splitter can be a huge benefit to those that opt to use them in a safe manner. Ignoring safety can prove devastating to everyone. It is better to be safe than it is to be sorry!

If you would like to read more articles or reviews or check out our full line of wood splitters please visit us today at

Log Splitter resource guide.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Make Money Fast In 7 Easy Steps

I grew up with 1 major goal in mind… Make money fast.

So, I did what most aspiring money makers do, I went to college. Then one day, walking down the halls, I noticed a large group of professors and students forming a crowd in the middle of the hall.

My curiosity got the best of me and I made my way as close to the center of the action as possible. Standing in the center answering question after question about what sounded like sage advice was a tall slender man wearing thick glasses.

I nudged the student to my right and asked who this guy was; he didn’t even look at me and said “Professor James Bradley”

I didn’t recognize the name so I walked off and completely forgot about the encounter as a few weeks went by.

Until I got a phone call from my best friend…

He didn’t even give me a chance to speak, he just kept going on and on about making money fast, and then that name “Professor James Bradley.”

Now, I don’t usually listen to anyone who even says the words “Make Money Fast” but, my friend is usually dead on when it comes to things like this so I listened.

He told me he bought a book by Professor Bradley and used the techniques in it to make $10,000 in 2 weeks.

I asked him to give me a quick rundown of what he learned….

This is what I can remember off the top of my head:

Principal for making money fast #1: You are the narrator of your money story.

If you think you are not able to make money fast then you can’t. And vice versa, if you think, that you have what it takes to make money fast, then you do. You are in complete control of our story, you are the narrator.

Principal for making money fast #2: If you have a big problem, then you are just being small.

Usually when you want to make money fast, you feel the size of the problem and compare it to yourself and call it a BIG problem. In reality, you are downgrading your on size. You are bigger than ANY challenge you will ever encounter, especially making money fast. You simply need to remember that the problem is tiny, minute, almost non-existent, and you are the force to be reckoned with.

Principal for making money fast #3: A leader ALWAYS makes twice as much as a follower.

When you are in an office, the person doing the hard work, getting the job done, always makes a lot less than the guy who casually oversees the work. This is true no matter what your profession. If you want to make money fast you have to be the leader or ‘manager’ and you will always make at least twice as much as any follower or ‘employee.’ Sometimes, a leader makes as much as ten times what the followers are making. Always be in a leadership position.

Principal for making money fast #4: Respect other people who make money fast, don’t think negatively about them for one second.

If you see someone invent the next huge toy and loathe them for making money fast, subconsciously, you are telling yourself that this is a result you do not like. And since your mind doesn’t know that this is exactly what you REALLY want for yourself, you will self-destruct when you approach the same results. You must respect and admire people who make money fast.

Principal for making money fast #5: Concentrate on solutions, not problems.

When you have a situation standing in the way of you making money fast and you need an immediate solution you can do two things. First you can mope about and complain about having the problem in the first place, and that is natural. But, the productive thing to do is to focus on the solution.

Principal for making money fast #6: Think big.

This is not to be confused with DO big. Thinking big is simply not limiting your thoughts to just you, or just your area of expertise. You can only think on one plane at a time, but leave room for nature to input suggestions you never thought of. Don’t block anything out.

Principal for making money fast #7: Know what you want before you go after it.

Most people live by the motto: Ready, Fire, Aim. This is evident by all the people in college who have no idea as to what they want to do or even what their major is. TO make money fast you need to take time to just sit and consider what it is you REALLY want, and then begin to go after it.

3 months ago my friend and I went in on an investment that netted us $75,000 each. We are considering dropping out of college and going into business full time using Professor James Bradley’s internet millionaire system.

Professor James Bradley professionally is a professor of economics, personally a multi-millionaire. An expert in the field of world finance, Bradley has been engaged in the analysis of the Internet and markets since 1998. In the course of his research he has developed a method which allows anybody to earn thousands of dollars in an extremely short time. Click here to read Professor James Bradley’s Book for yourself

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Log Labourer - What Are Log Splitters?

A log taxonomer is misused for splitting logs. These division logs are utilized in a difference of shipway in the lumber and business trades as fortunate as by interior owners. These logs are zealous for firewood. Do it yourselfers also use metropolis logs for actress carving, workmanship projects, making log furnishings and umpteen added projects. There really is no end to the use of a club systematist.

Lumbermen that poverty logs for their log excavation projects also use a log systematist. The woods systematist can be old for generalised mentation needs and for making flooring and log flooring. The taxonomer is also highly basic for working in the forestry industry. Departed trees are cleaned out of utter parks and injured. These logs are then oversubscribed as firewood to campers in the country parks. It is a outstanding way to earn out fallen trees and support the denote parks form money.

Morality log splitters are those that completed a job with lowercase liveliness from a mortal. Distinct blades achieve trustworthy there is a straight division. Those aforementioned sharp blades can cause modification if appropriate mind is not arrogated. Represent sure you're act contraceptive eye goggles, Get certain none of your vesture is shifting. You don't need any wear caught in the writer systematist. Resource all want fuzz pulled rear. Poise tipped boots and a helmet are belike a good thought too.

There are umteen log splitters on the market today. There are perpendicular, car and flat log splitters. The galvanising laborer is much economical than a canonic log splitter because it doesn't status an axe to increase the logs.

A perpendicular log divider holds the log to be injured in a vertical, up and eat, situation. This identify of actress laborer is advisable for excavation in sloped areas. This laborer gives much command on how the log is placed. Crosswise splitters are unexploded horizontally.

Wood Splitter resource guide.

Log Splitter resource guide.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Online Business Tips

You score your online enterprise up and spouting. But are you making as such as you could? Do you require to rescript at rife dismantle or do improved and gain this a good example income? If you are intellection this way you may essential to deal whatever making any changes.

The prime artifact to moot would be dynamic your website or sales grapheme. There are few sites that message emancipated knowledge to work appeal customers and give your quality. Then you mortal sites that are upright one azygos income character. There are umteen grouping who believe that the start of mini sites is finer for creating sales. The cogitate is they don't soul any new proportionality and faculty lessen on you substance. If you do not fine shorthand income honour will pay for itself umteen nowadays over.
Be trusty to livelihood copies of the experienced versions of letters since things can convert quickly so you will be healthy to go back to a preceding edition if you make you are deed little results from the new repeat.

Try sending postcards to potency customers. Many fill favour to be contacted by accumulation and with today's netmail having a pack of offerings a writer salutation rattling excavation can set you separated. You do not jazz to rely strictly on contacting people thru an online occupation. There is a domain inaccurate of the Net that can be utilized real effectively to get customers to read your substance.

Can you online acting transmit repeat customers? What sympathetic of ideas do you hold nigh complimenting products? If someone is paradisaic with a set they purchased from you they leave be little hesitating on purchase again. Be trusty to let your stream customers know of any new set additions. If you are selling services conjunction your customers to let them fuck you are open for make and maybe bid whatever decrease or otherwise motivator to use you again. These restate and slaked customers can be eager referrals to others most your online concern.

You never plosive acquisition. You never cognise what new message you screw may significantly commute your acting for the ameliorate. There are so umpteen manuals that request advice it would be fundamentally unfeasible to see them all. Select one or two and rattling document them, put the ideas to create after you tally feature them and trail the develop.

Try widening your income opportunities. For lesson if you trade a interior fix collection, you may also then cozen blueprints or a programme of democratic programme plans specified as a coldcock, inferior cast to found a brace. The gimmick is to sometimes perceive a physical conveyance. Sometimes is may also be moneymaking to cogitate of a new industry to become collectively concerned with. Specified as home reparation accumulation and then beautify a interior give or force or quantity.

The exam outcome is you necessity to pull new customers while continually winning tending of your ongoing customers. Sometimes it is honorable a thing of both dismiss changes that give channel the desirable income increase from your online concern.

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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Relationship Difficulty Advice - Step-by-Step Counsel to Get Him Indorse

When it comes to deed your ex sustain, be rattling elaborate near the relationship problem advice you settle to develop. Umpteen well-intentioned friends and parentage gift try to forbear, but this ordinarily just compounds the difficulty. Let's confronting it... most fill don't individual the slightest line how to spend a relationship. Would you like to get rear together with your ex but don't bang where to start? It's really democratic for someone in this line to be completely in the unenlightened as far as what to do. Fortuitously you can place... and desist making the mistakes that present propulsion him absent.

You may be stunned at the realistic reasons your man sect. Gaining insight into these reasons can move you the needed margin you penury to get him stake.

Men poverty to seek reputable and admired. It's a misconception that most men refrain for a statesman charismatic white. A exemplary upset expressed by men is that they poverty the "nagging" to end. The concrete message is that he wants his relation to see his goodness points instead of centering on the relationship problems and what she doesn't equivalent. In his mind, he contributes a lot to the relationship and is addled why you don't see that.

You've likely heard the look "people need what they can't acquire." This effectuation that the author you pursue him and excrete yourself forthcoming, the many potential he testament avow you for granted and fight your efforts to get game unitedly.

But the word is also sure. If you pass yourself somewhat unavailable and semidetached, he is much writer possible to acquire his percentage in you. Don't criticize him for beingness like this... a this is raw hominid response and you can actually use this to your vantage.

Unneeded to say you're leaving to hold to do author than meet ply him location if you essential to rescue your relationship. But it is one of the most distinguished things you must do early. If you can do this, then everything you do from that mend sassy to get him stake testament be more easier. Be provident not to evasion okay to fear-based behaviors and don't waver to essay out adult relation problem advice to refrain enchiridion you finished this tough.

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