Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Was Attacked by a Grandmother

It's often difficult to make younger mothers understand why their babies have to be poked and prodded when they're being seen by nurses and doctors. Lab work, x-rays, injections and other invasive and uncomfortable procedures are a necessary part of arriving at a valid diagnosis of the problem.

Many times the grandmother of the child comes to the ER with them. An extended family can be a valuable means of moral support for young inexperienced mothers. On the other hand, not allowing the actual mother the opportunity to be "the mother" can be a negative. In my opinion, this behavior sometimes is the catalyst of the "grandmother raising grandchild" cycle.

So, a few weeks ago while attempting to start an I.V. on a 14-month old, I wasn't surprised when the grandmother asked her daughter, who was crying hysterically, to leave the room.

Performing I.V. insertions on infants/children usually is a team effort - the technician, the muscle and the nurturer.

The Technician - the nurse performing the actual procedure. Nerves of steel and steady hands are crucial attributes this person must possess. Distractions from noise, crying, or hovering family members are no problem for this team member. Her priority is establishing a means to get medication to this very vulnerable patient quickly and efficiently.

The Muscle - usually another nurse. The brawn of the team. She keeps the child as still as possible. Her grip and take down maneuvers must be precise. Her presence helps prevent accidental or purposeful dislodging of the I.V.

The Nurturer - this can be family or staff. A sweet voice in the child's ear providing words of comfort to soothe the child; distraction through coaxing and praise often work well.

In spite of this team approach, it's usually always a stressful situation.

Unfortunately the first nurse wasn't able to get the I.V. started. Now the roles must change. She became the muscle and I transitioned into the role of the technician.

With skill, determination and an answered prayer, I started the I.V. NOW comes the part that can be more difficult than the needle stick - SECURING IT!

And it was during this critical period that the grandmother went bonkers!

She came flying across the room toward me crying and screaming "STOP IT! STOP IT! LEAVE MY GRANDBABY ALONE!" I'm thinking I must be dreaming. This old woman in this house coat and slippers with these curlers in her hair can't be serious. But she was.

Once I realized I wasn't dreaming the UNTHINKABLE happened. SHE SLAPPED ME ACROSS MY SHOULDER...not once but twice. Mind you, I'm trying to secure this screaming, fighting infant's I.V. and this IDIOT is hitting me.

At this point, the only thing I'm seeing is RED, BLOOD RED. Before she could land another blow, I shared the following with her without ever looking her way "Don't hit me again. We are here to help your grandchild. Calm down NOW"!

I really wasn't that upset with the little old lady. I sat and talked with her after the episode and stressed to her the importance of being a "good" support system for her young daughter and grandchild. She apologized and seemed ashamed of her behavior.

Needless to say I was the butt of many many jokes for the remainder of the shift.

Roschelle Nelson is a Registered Nurse by profession and mother, freelance writer, mentor, friend and genuine lover of life by choice. Roschelle has achieved success with several business ventures. She enjoys writing, meeting new people and considers life a precious gift.

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Friday, September 25, 2009

The Art of Seducing a Woman

Understanding what a woman is looking for in a man is the first secret to seducing a woman. For many men, the concept of how to seduce a woman is simply a mystery. It’s understandable, though. Men and women differ in so many ways that it’s difficult for many of us to really grasp how to get inside the mind of the opposite sex.

The true key to seducing a woman isn’t a mere laundry list to check off, step by step. It’s more a guidebook on the path you must follow to completely seduce a woman, mind, body and soul. And believe it or not, what really gets a woman going is much simpler than you may have ever imagined.

Understanding the differences between the sexes will help give you a better foundation on which to build your knowledge of women. Once you can get inside her mind, it’s all downhill from there.

Communication is ultimately the most important aspect in seducing a woman. Like so many other aspects of our lives, effective communication is the key to success. You want to take the time to really get to know her and what she’s looking for. This will benefit you greatly when it comes to pleasing her, so don’t think that getting to know your woman is a pointless, grueling task of learning a bunch of useless information.

Patience when seducing your woman is equally important, too. Being in a hurry will only prove to damage any good you could’ve done by learning anything at all about your woman. When it comes to seducing a woman, take it slow. We want a man to take his time, not just rush in for the brass ring. A woman wants to know that you aren’t just playing her for sex. And the best way to prove yourself is to take your time.

All in all, women want to feel special. Being romantic makes us feel special. So if you want to seduce your woman you have to be romantic. It proves that you care, that you want to please her and that you know how to treat a woman right. Romance will take you a long way in seducing a woman.

Let us show you the steps to marriage separation reconciliation.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Learn How to Play the Piano in 3 Steps

Many people want to learn a new instrument but few are willing to put up with the "learning curve" involved. You know what I mean, right? Those tireless days of practice, not seeing any improvement, waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel.

It doesn't have to be this hard. I've learned how to play the piano quickly and efficiently, and I know how you can do it, too.

Step #1: Learn the Alphabet

The alphabet? But I thought I was over that! The piano's alphabet is a little different. It goes from A to G, and includes sharps, flats, and natural notes. Do you know where the "C" note, for example, is located on the piano? You're never going to play the piano if you don't know what notes you're playing.

If you want to learn the piano's alphabet, here's a quick guide: the white notes are natural notes and the black notes are sharps and flats. The black note to the right of F, for example, is F-sharp...and it's G-flat, because it's to the left of G. You'll notice there is no "C-Sharp" and "E-Sharp."

Once you know your notes, learn how sheet music writes these notes. A note on the very bottom line of sheet music is an E - that should help you get started.

Step #2: Know your scales

One of the first things piano teachers teach you are your scales. They often approach it the wrong way, but it's a good place to start nonetheless. A traditional scale can start on the C note and go all the way up to the next C note (the keys on a piano repeat over and over). Since there are eight notes in a scale and you only have five fingers, you have to pair up your fingering. Learning this fingering will be essential to your future success.

Step #3: Learn what to do with your left hand

Tricks like the Alberti bass and knowing your tonics and dominants will give your left hand plenty of work to do - with as little practice as possible. Knowing how to play the left hand is crucial to making the piano sound great when you play it. When you're able to put the two together, you can make fuller, realer piano sounds that make you look like a professional because, look Ma! Two hands!

One article can't spell it all out for you. You need something that will give you a day-by-day guide and help you to learn piano. Piano teachers can be expensive, so do research online and find a good eBook.

Find more about our online piano course reviews Studying Piano.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Hiring a Quality Home Movers

Moving from one dwelling place to another is a normal scene in Singapore. A number of occupants are not home owners. They are just tenants. The reason is that owning a house is not easy especially for non Singaporean citizens who obviously make up the lion's share of Singapore's manpower. Thus housing service is mostly on a yearly contract basis.

Given this real scenario and considering the volatile behavior of the real estate market, the demand for home movers is high in Singapore. While there are many service providers, it pays to do your job in screening out the most dependable home movers particularly if you are short of cash. And the necessity to make a good choice is paramount if you would like proper care on the manner your stuff are transported.

The rate of home movers in Singapore can be quite expensive. It may turn out to be much more costly later if you happen to hire unskilled home movers who can only mess up with your priceless stuffs. Other companies engaged in this service because it is good money and those duly registered and professionaly trained to give moving service. You definitely opt to engage home movers who can offer the best rate and the best service possible.

If there is one good venue to locate these movers in Singapore, it is through the internet. Check on ebay Singapore. Search using the keyword "Singapore home movers" and you can most likely generate a good search list. What makes ebay a good source of info is that you can refer to testimonials of previous clients. Yes, while these feedbacks are not 100% reliable you can have at the minimum an idea on the kind of service.

Also, online forums which are Singapore based in nature can give you some guide on home movers. Just concentrate on heavy traffic blogs and forums. Of course, not missing out the classifieds. Home movers tend to post ads on online classifieds because ad posting here for free, if not at a very minimal rate.

With your filtered list, you expect to tap the most reliable home movers in town which will give lesser hassle house moving service for you.

Here is a recommended Singapore Home Movers

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Forex Trading Strategies

As in any trading method, forex trading too involves a number of strategies and an investor in the forex market must adopt an excellent mix of strategies and analysis in order to make substantial financial gains.

Forex trading is nothing but buying foreign currencies at a certain rate and selling it at another rate making use of the difference in exchange rates of this currency in various markets. Profit is made when the selling rate exceeds the buying rate.

While there may be various Forex trading strategies adopted globally by a number of forex traders there are definitely certain basic ones that are a must for traders. The two main Forex trading strategies that try to bring a discipline in forex trading are as follows:

  • Simple Moving Average
  • Support and Resistance Levels

In the first strategy, the important thing is to establish a 12-period simple moving average of the prices of foreign currencies. With this average, the price movements are plotted on a graph. Whenever the foreign currency prices cross the 12-period average above, it is a signal to buy the currency. On the other hand, when the price crosses the 12-period average below, it is time to stop and reverse that is to sell the currency. This strategy is a simple method that is easy to understand and follow. However, it has its limitations in terms of reliability and higher risk.

The second Forex Trading Strategy is to establish support and resistance levels in the price of the foreign currency. The support level is the base point or the lowest price point in a certain period while the resistance level is the upper price point in the same period. These levels can be determined by studying the price movements of the foreign currency using certain types of graphs. Whenever the support and resistance levels are breached, a new trend in prices occurs and the levels have to be established again.

Apart from the above strategies that provide a scientific way to understand and take positions in foreign currency trading, there are a certain set of basic rules to follow as strategies:

  • Always keep track of the amount exposed in foreign currency trading and ensure that it is within the accepted levels
  • Keep in mind the return that is expected from the transactions and try not to be too greedy and breach the expectation too much
  • Understand the actual risk involved in every transaction and compare it with your accepted risk absorption capacity.
  • Keep track of your own experience in forex trading
  • Always keep in mind your investment objective which may be capital appreciation, constant returns or high profits.
  • Invest only up to the amount that you can afford to lose.
  • Always rely on expert opinion, analytical statements and past history of prices rather your own instincts that may be effective only at times.

Thus with the adoption of the above Forex trading strategies, traders can make wise profits.

Are you interested in learning about Forex Currency Trading Reference site with plenty of valuable information.

Emini Trading Strategies

30 Minute Emini Day Trading System

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

10 Tips To Help You Stay Creative With Beat Making

1. Try out new sounds

Look online for free samples and VSTs. There are tons of websites where you can get free samples, and free virtual instruments. Spend a weekend downloading and organizing your new sounds, and try them out.

2. Listen to different music

Personally, in the past I had never liked rock music, but then I played Guitar Hero. Playing the bass in the game made me appreciate all the melodies, and variations upon those melodies. As I played I could only think about how I would have changed the song into a hip hop beat, using a lot of similar elements, but would have made it altogether different. So now, I listen to different types of music, not to sample, but to get inspired. Whether it's the melody, or how they break down the verse and the hook. It's all different from what I usually listen to, and this gives me lots of new ideas.

3. Seven minute switch

Sometimes I have the tendency to stick with a beat for 30 minutes, and the final result may be something I don't like at all. So try this, make 3 to 4 beats, and only spend 7 minutes on each of them. For each one of your beats, try a different tempo, different sounds and different drum patterns. After you make the 4 beats, go back and focus on the one you see the most potential in. I say this, because a lot of the time, for me, the beat that I do very fast may not have all the elements I want in it yet, but it may have the right feeling I am looking for and can turn out very well.

4. Write lyrics first

Whether you are a rapper or a singer, (or even just a producer, because nowadays, a lot of beats are sold with hooks for rap songs, and rough draft vocals for R&B songs), try starting with the lyrics first. As your lyrics get laid out, the feeling of a beat should stand out to you, and give you ideas for the intro, hook, etc.

5. Do something different

Every once in a while, try to switch up your routine. If you don't sample, sample! If you only use hardware, try out software and take advantage of all the resources out there. There are a million different ways to do what ever you're doing now, but differently, and I'm saying give them a try. No one should ever be stuck in their ways, because the industry changes a lot, and you should be able to change with it.

6. Collaborate

Work with others, whether it's a fellow producer or song writer/singer. Everyone I know loves music, and can provide input on a track. If the other person has an idea for a melody, play it out, or let them play it out and vibe off each other's energy. This entire process can be fun and can be a learning experience. The other person may pick sounds you wouldn't usually pick, but work around this, and push your self as a producer and make the track work.

7. Make some noises

I honestly feel that since I can't play any instruments, my best instrument is my mouth. Humming is good for me because I can come up with endless melodies in my head. So I get an audio recorder or record directly into my computer, and hum the melody for a song. Then I attempt to remake it with my keyboard or software.

I would suggest recording yourself humming the beat before you try to start making it, because if you have that perfect melody in your head, you may hear a sound when you're searching through your sound collections that may inspire an entirely new melody. This is good obviously, but you don't want to lose your first idea either. So just record it, and you won't have to worry about this.

8. Watch Youtube (Or any other video site) has millions of producers out there just like you. With more or less knowledge. Watch them, learn from their mistakes, and learn from their skills. This should be a big source of inspiration, because online you will see all types of people across the world using different equipment and utilizing different techniques.

9. Remake professional beats

Test your skills and remake a song you hear on the radio. Put yourself in the producer's head, and figure out how they got that certain sound and that certain feel. In the long run, this will make you more versatile, because when an artist asks for this producer's type of sound, you'll be able to provide them with something similar, but also to add your own style.

10. Learn a musical instrument

This is probably one of the most beneficial things that you can do as a producer. But it's probably the hardest thing on this list. It takes time and patience, but when you take some time to learn some chords and train your ears, the possibilities are endless.

More like this can be found on

beat making - drum samples