Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Intestinal Parasites And Weight-Loss

Many individuals struggle to achieve their ideal body weight. Many people spend enormous amounts of money on gym memberships, personal trainers, and weight loss pills but achieve minimal results. More than a problem of metabolism and food intake, recent studies show that intestinal parasites can also be responsible for unwanted weight gain. These intestinal parasites enter the human body through different channels like food and water. These parasites may be one among the causes of weight gain and the reason why certain people have trouble losing weight. These parasites hamper the digestive process, which may then cause unwanted weight gain. The presence of intestinal parasites in the human body is usually detected by looking for the following symptoms:

· Diarrhea
· Nausea or vomiting
· Gas or bloating
· Dysentery (loose stools containing blood and mucus)
· Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
· Stomach pain or tenderness
· Feeling tired
· Weight loss
· Passing a worm in your stool

Intestinal parasites present in the body causes the lining of the intestines to become inflamed. Inflammation of the intestinal linings inhibit the consumption necessary vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that aid in the regulation of hormones, metabolism, and blood sugar levels. Parasites consume the food meant for the body and deprive the body of the nutrients and leave it with empty calories. This impels individuals to crave more food --- which only leads to more weight gain.

In addition to inflammation, parasites in the body produce toxins and acids that destroy body tissues, corrupt the organs, and slowdown the function of the central nervous system. To remove these toxins and waste products, filtration organs like the kidney and liver work harder causing it to slowdown. Delay in these areas may cause individuals to feel tired and sluggish and gain additional weight because of tampered metabolism.

The development of intestinal parasites can be avoided by having a healthy diet and proper hygiene. Frequent washing of hands, regular trimming of fingernails, and cleaning bathrooms and the kitchen thoroughly are some of the simple things that can be done to maintain a parasite-free body. Thorough cleaning and complete cooking of food— especially beef and pork, may help prevent the proliferation of parasitic worms.

Medical studies show that parasitic infections in the body occur when there is pH imbalance in the body or too much alkaline. Keeping the intestines slightly acidic by consuming two tablespoons of apple cider diluted in eight ounces of water may help prevent and treat this kind of contamination. Parasite cleansing in the body can lead to normal metabolism easier weight loss. In addition, to its cleansing effect, daily doses of this vinegar in water has been proven to control high blood pressure after weeks of use. Medical specialists advice individuals to try natural remedies before taking over the counter medicines. Preventing the development of intestinal parasites should be the goal every individuals.

Complete cleansing of intestinal parasites in ones body may lead to normal metabolism and easier weight loss. Food cravings may decrease because more nutrients, minerals, and other necessary ingredients are absorbed by the body. In return, the important internal organs function properly. These factors are healthy to achieve one's ideal weight. A parasite-free body can make health and fitness goals more attainable.

Health Free contains the latest information about weight loss plans. We provide tips on how to lose weight fast with diet plans, healthy diet plans, weight loss programs to easy diet.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Natural Colon Cleanse - How to Cleanse Your Colon Naturally

Natural colon cleanse is one of the best ways to clean your colon because it offers safer alternative over other methods of cleansing. Colon cleansing is becoming popular today especially that more people are becoming aware of the need to do this because of the increasing incidences of health disorder and death due to unhealthy colon.

Although there are various methods of colon cleansing, natural colon cleanse is becoming popular because of the many benefits it offer. It effectively detoxifies your system using the natural method, and helps rejuvenate your health. It further helps eliminate unwanted accumulation of toxins in your colon that could affect other your total health.

One of the best ways to cleanse your colon naturally is to change your diet and lifestyle. Diet plays a very important role on the health of your colon because the kind of food we take determines the amount of unwanted toxins deposited in your colon. Changing to healthy diet such as fruits and vegetables rich in fibers could greatly help minimize the toxin deposits in your body; thus, improving the health condition of your colon.

Another natural colon cleanse method is to drink plenty of water which helps flush the toxin deposits away. Most experts recommend drinking more than eight glasses of water daily. Drinking a lot of water along with consumption of food rich in fiber is a great tandem of naturally cleansing your colon.

There is another method of colon cleansing that greatly reinforces the above method, and that is to take natural colon-cleanse supplements which helps eliminate toxic wastes and improve total health; furthermore, these supplements have natural cleansing formula which makes it safe to use.

Hence, the best way to clean your colon is to use the natural method by changing to healthy lifestyle and healthy diet; along with the use of natural colon cleanse supplements for optimum health to your colon; and consequently, your whole body.

Wondering which colon cleansing pill or product is effective for weight loss and good colon health? Read these detailed Colon Cleansing Pill Reviews and check out the experience of other users.

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colon cleansing and weight loss

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to Increase Your Success With Online Dating

For many men, Online Dating is a dirty word. It elicits visions of out of shape users or social rejects who have looked to the web as their last saving grace. For some reason, over time we've come to accept this lie as truth and it has pushed many of us away from expanding our dating horizons.

Before I go any further, I want you to take part in a simple exercise with me. Search Google for a free dating site. On that dating site I want you to do a city search for women nearby you. You'll be surprised by the amount of beautiful women there are Online actively seeking out a dating partner.

You might be asking yourself, "why are all these hot girls online looking for guys, shouldn't they be able to have any man they want?" Women face a number of the same challenges men do when it comes to dating, especially in our increasingly fast paced society.

With the increased amount of women taking up careers and postponing marriage and family life, many find themselves devoted to their career, which doesn't leave much time for dating and a social life. As a result, they've turned to Online Dating as a way to meet new people with the little time that they have available.

A lot of these women you'll never meet in a bar or club so Online Dating truly expose's you to a whole group of new women you wouldn't ordinarily have access to.

One of the biggest mistakes that men make is getting sucked completely into the world of Online Dating. By no means should dating sites account for your entire dating portfolio. Online Dating is a great way to practice meeting and interacting with women but should never replace physical interactions.

Chatting with a girl online can easily turn into an online relationship, but chances are the person you meet online and the person you meet in real life are two different people. Don't spend countless hours chatting back and forth via email or instant messenger, instead at the first available moment move your relationship offline.

If you've created a solid relationship with her you'll find that she's more than willing to exchange phone numbers with you.

Making the transition from the online world to the physical world is not without it's bumps and difficulties. You may find that the girl who interested you online no longer interests you offline. You may also find that she doesn't look like her profile pictures. When dating online, it's important to keep these things in mind, don't become over enthusiastic with the relationship right off the bat and don't put all of your eggs in one basket. Be sure that you approach and chat with numerous girls online, that way if one of the girls flake on you or doesn't live up to your expectations you have a number of other potential dating opportunities on the go.

Likewise, it's important that throughout your interactions online you remain truthful so that when the time for a physical meeting occurs between the two of you she is not disappointed because you don't live up to your false claims.

When putting together your online profile, it's important to distinguish yourself from all of the other guys online. You can do this by including the following in your profile.

1. Display that you are humorous and don't take Online Dating too seriously. You can do this by creating a witty headline or using funny or silly photos of you and your friends. It's also good to include a short paragraph stating that you aren't online to meet your soul mate you're just having fun.

2. Give a valid reason for why you're using Online Dating. You want to display that you're not forced to use Online Dating because you're a recluse or a social outcast. This could be because your career takes up the majority of your time, you dislike bars and clubs or you just want to meet new people.

3. Show that you're comfortable around beautiful women. Include a photo of you with a good looking friend or relative, this will give off the impression to girls on the site that you meet and hang out with women on a regular basis.

4. Beauty is common, you're looking for more than just looks. There are tons of good looking women online, show that looks mean little to you, they have to impress you in ways other than physical attributes. This will help women qualify themselves to you.

5. Highlight some interests that you have in a clear and concise manner. This can be done through bullet points or by using quotes that relate to your life. Include things such as art, history, music, politics, sports etc.

If you communicate the above in your profile you'll notice an almost immediate increase in the messages that you receive. Women will be fascinated by your profile and will be intrigued enough to communicate with you.

Lastly, keep you profile fresh and up to date. Some dating sites rank profiles based on when they were last updated, so it's important to always be adding new content and photos.

Online Dating doesn't have to be a dirty word, it can increase your confidence and interaction with women and it'll make you a better person because of it.

Ramses is a certified dating instructor at He has provided thousands of men with practical advice for improving their success with women.

Read more about online dating here.
Visit here for more online dating tips.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast can often be the hardest meal of the day to eat healthy for. Most people are hurrying to rush off to work or school and don’t want to take the time to prepare a good meal. It’s been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so don’t scrimp on it by grabbing sugary cereals or other convenience foods for breakfast. Here are some easy and healthy breakfast ideas that can be made in just a few minutes:

- Whole wheat toast with almond butter, peanut butter, or some all fruit spread. Serve it with a side of fresh fruit.

- Fruit smoothies. If you have a magic bullet type blender, they are super quick and easy to make. Just throw some frozen fruit, a banana, and some yogurt into a the blender. Make it extra healthy by adding some flax oil or ground flax seed.

- Whole wheat pancakes. Make up a big batch of them once a week and then freeze them. They reheat nicely in the microwave. If you have an electric griddle, it doesn’t take long to make them at all. I usually add ground flax seed to my pancake batter to make them even more nutritious. Serve with some fresh fruit.

These are just a few ideas but there are a lot of options for healthy breakfasts. If you want to eat cereal, opt for low sugar options such as Cheerios and use skim milk.

Another tip, cut up any fruit you want to eat with breakfast the night before. This will save precious time in the morning, especially if you are always running late. Bananas are always great to have on hand for breakfast too. Not only are they quick and easy to eat, they are great brain food!

Starting the day with a healthy breakfast can be the key to having a productive, energy filled day and with a just a little planning before hand, it can be easy to prepare.

Rebecca Johnson is a work at home mom of two who enjoys writing on a variety of topics including everything from what is the best steam mop to buy to what the top toddler toys are.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Download Online Videos

Who has not heard of YouTub, Break, or sites are popular for their videos . When I see a great video, a quesion always pops up in my mind of how they do that, and I'm amazed.
I have very little knowledge about making a video or download youtube videos like the talented people on that site. This is always something I would like to learn some days. Some videos on YouTube are just way over my head, and amazing. I wouldn’t even know where to begin.
My simple conquered was when I upload a short video of the Swans Bathing to my blog by using the available tool in Blogger! Now, if someone asks me how to convert and download a video, I will have no answer and will have to do a research for the information needed.
I believe the easiest way to convert/upload/download a video is to find the right software for it. For now, I am just happy using that simple icon to upload my homemade video.
I found this short video of JoJo teaching Roco how to ride the bike without training wheels, and I just click on the Video icon and transfer it to blogger. I don't know how to edit or make it better yet.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Auto Insurance 101 Explained

Auto insurance can be confusing for most consumers; there are so many different types of insurance and it can be difficult to determine the type of coverage you’re required to carry versus the types of coverage that you really should carry in order to protect yourself but that are not required.

When considering how much car insurance you should have, it is best to do some research and find out what type of insurance is required by the state in which you reside. Not all states require the same levels of insurance. Some states require more types of coverage than others and states also vary in terms of the amount of coverage that is required. So, be sure you know exactly what the minimums are in the state where you live.

You should also understand what is covered by the different types of insurance in order to understand whether you need insurance coverage above and beyond the minimum required by your state of residence.

Bodily injury liability covers injuries that you cause to someone else while driving your vehicle. Generally the rule of thumb for this type of coverage is to purchase more than is required by your state minimums in order to protect your private assets from a law suit in the event that you injure someone.

Medical payments or personal injury protection, commonly known as PIP covers the treatment of injuries for the driver and the passengers of the vehicle. Depending on the level of coverage, this type of policy will compensate lost wages as well as medical payments.

Collision covers any damage that occurs to your vehicle in the event of an accident, even if it is your fault. Of course, a deductible will apply. Your lender will generally require this type of coverage while you still owe on the vehicle.

Comprehensive coverage is for the loss of your vehicle due to damage by something other than a collision such as theft, fire, natural disaster, vandalism, etc. Again, your lender will probably require this coverage for a financed vehicle. Once your loan is paid off, it’s up to you whether you want to continue carrying comprehensive and collision coverage.

Uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage can come in handy in the event that you are either involved in a hit and run or if you are hit by someone who does not have insurance or who is underinsured.

When considering how much insurance to take out, start with the amount that is required at a minimum by your state and then consider whether you’re required to take out any additional coverage due to lender requirements. Remember that while we all hope we won’t have a need for insurance, in the event that we do, it can be a financial lifesaver.

Finally, don’t forget to consider your options regarding deductibles. Raising your deductible can help you lower your premiums and that can make taking out additional insurance coverage more affordable. Just be sure you can reasonably afford the deductible in the event you need to use it.

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