Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Gold Or Silver - Which is the Best Investment?

It is fall 2008; our economy is shrinking; our personal and business assets are loosing market value across the board; the banking system is going catatonic; and commodities like gold and silver are bouncing around like my truck on a road full of potholes. Earlier in the year the US dollar was declining in value against virtually every other currency and all commodities. While this fall the dollar has strengthened relative to foreign currencies because the problems in our economy are also global problems that are affecting the economies of all industrialized countries. Along with the worldwide banking collapse and strangulation of our economies by high energy prices, we are entering into a significant global recession. Price speculators have been very active all year long in all of the commodity markets, such that prices on all raw materials, including gold and silver, shot up dramatically in the first six months of 2008, while in the past few months speculation is now driving most commodity prices way down. Since gold and silver have been de-monetized for a long time their values only rise and fall with industrial demand, because social demand for them as safe-haven money is still very limited. If our economy goes into a deep recession, the uncertainty of job security, retirement security, and the near certainty of rising inflation, caused by government deficits and Federal Reserve intervention into shoring up failing banks and other private businesses, will cause more people, as well as many businesses, to exchange dollars for gold and silver. Right now there is a preference for gold rather than silver as a security hedge; but for the individual, gold is the wrong metal to own.

Consider that with more than six billion people on earth there simply is not enough gold and silver available to have these precious metals fulfill the role of money for everyone. It is estimated that about 4.4 billion ounces of gold have been mined in historical times and at least 4 billion ounces are still with us as pure bullion, or easily recovered and smelted into pure bullion; this amounts to only two-thirds ounce per person. It is also estimated that about 44 billion ounces of silver have been mined in historical times and about 20 billion ounces of this silver has been consumed in the past and disposed in ways that are not profitable to recover. Approximately 24 billion ounces of silver could be recovered and converted to coins or bullion; this amounts to about four ounces per person. Central banks and governments hold about 800 million ounces of gold and negligible amounts of silver, leaving just over 3 billion ounces of gold and 24 billion ounces of silver in the hands if businesses and individuals; or an approximate ratio of 8 to 1.

If our paper currency fails, causing people to barter with gold and silver for their daily needs and wages, then gold can at most command a value of eight times that of silver. Since the current ratio of value is $750 to $10, or 75 to 1(in the fall of 2008), gold is nearly 10 times higher that it should be relative to silver. This means that silver will appreciate many times over when gold and silver become barter money again. It is less than 50 years since silver was taken out of our US coinage; yet prior to 1964 silver has been in coins going back over 1000 years. While gold has not been barter money since 1934 in the United States, its history as coined money goes back more that 2000 years.

It makes no sense to ask whether gold will go to $10,000 per ounce or $10 per ounce, because it is the US dollar that is changing value. Gold and silver change their value very little with respect to goods and services for which they may be bartered. One hundred and two hundred years ago an ounce of gold would buy a good suit of clothes and an ounce of silver would buy a good meal at a restaurant, and so they will today. Over the years these metals have not strayed very far from this valuation except under severe economic tensions, at which time they typically rise in value rapidly.

Even though gold and silver are in relative short supply and little used as money, the U.S. paper dollar is the wrong barometer of economic stability. Assets and commodities should not be valued in terms of US dollars, but in terms of fixed quantity commodities like gold and silver. The unstable item (dollar) fluctuates in terms of the stable (gold), not vice versa. Reporting it backwards does not make it valid. Worldwide currencies should be exchanged by valuing them to gold and silver, not to the U.S. dollar, or any other currency for that matter.

In the past there have been many government attempts to peg a monetary ratio between gold and silver. It has been ten-to-one, twenty-to-one and even thirty-four-to-one during the depression. Teddy Roosevelt ran for President promising to fix the ratio at sixteen ounces of silver to one ounce of gold. These ratios not only show a historical variance, they also are all showing ratios of silver to gold that are greater than the real amounts of these metals mined and refined. The reason that these metals are not valued in direct relationship with the amounts mined is principally the hoarding of gold by governments, central banks, international banks, and some international corporations. This hoarding of gold is the same as it having never been mined, as far as the markets are concerned. This hoarding of gold tends to skew the ratio of gold available to consumers and investors as compared to the silver available. And it is a valid factor in arriving at a proper price for gold with respect to silver, provided that this hoarded gold remains unavailable for investment or payment in trade. If this hoarded gold came back into the markets as a monetary unit it would un-skew a gold-silver relationship that goes back to the late 1800's. However, if governments decide by law to remove even more gold from private ownership to government ownership, they will do so at their price, similar to the US government action in 1934; and whatever is left in private hands will be too small of a quantity to serve as money. In either case silver would increase in value as compared to gold.

I am not asserting that gold and silver are improperly valued today. But I am asserting that investors who own gold to protect themselves from the calamity of a failed economy and inflating paper currency are investing in the wrong metal, by a factor of at least eight. Our current industrial and jewelry use of these metals would have no relationship to the value they would become as barter-money in a failing US economy. So one cannot compare these metals today and make an investment in holding either of them, based on their current uses and values in our social economy. When gold and silver are re-monetized to act as money in our economies it will not be by government decree, but by the actions of citizens acting to create opportunity and build a new economy.

If a well-to-do person were going to set aside food and other necessities for future consumption in case of economic depression, should they be advised to purchase champagne, caviar, and frozen pastries (gold); or should they perhaps purchase apple juice, sardines, and crackers (silver)? Quantity is more important than show when one is trying to survive. People who invest in gold as insurance against economic depression are not acting in their own best interest; they are simply following their investment counselor's bad advice.

If investors and their counselors really understood gold and silver they would never purchase or recommend the purchase of gold at its current inflated price. If silver is mined at ten ounces for each ounce of gold and is priced correctly at $10.00 per ounce then gold should only be $100.00 per ounce, when we consider their monetary barter value. But if gold is priced correctly at $750.00 per ounce then silver should be $75.00 per ounce. Whichever way the market moves in a panic, silver will appreciate by a larger factor in relationship to gold. Actually, both metals would appreciate with respect to the US dollar, but silver would outpace gold in percentage growth at the point where producers and consumers started preferring gold and silver in exchange for goods and services. Giving investment in silver today considerable value over investment in gold, because of this growth potential.

Besides the ratio of gold to silver issue there is another important aspect of gold usage in tough economic times that must be considered; and that is the usage of gold to purchase food, toiletries, medicines, clothes; etc. If we were to do the Zimbabwe thing and have the US dollar inflating 100 % per week while very few goods are available to purchase; anyone going to a store with a shiny 1-oz gold coin would find that their purchases may only use up 10 to 20 percent of the value of their gold coin and that the store cashier would not give them change in gold or silver (even if the store had gold and silver to make change); the cashier would give them change in paper dollars that would rapidly inflate to nothing if they could not be quickly spent.

This problem would not occur with silver to any great extent because silver is still available from 100 oz bars down to 1 oz coins, and also available as old US coins, right down to silver dimes, permitting shoppers to pay with exact change for the goods they require. In the late 1970's an elderly Dutch gentleman told me how he experienced this very problem when he was sent to Germany in the early 1920's to go to university. The gold coins he received from home, for living expenses, was greatly sought by the shopkeepers, but they had little to sell and he always received change in German Marks (paper) that lost more than half their value in a week. He seldom got full value for his money, because of daily inflation. The same situation could occur here; it certainly has hit many nations in the last few decades, and for some it lasted many years. Silver is by far a superior investment to gold when it is being held as insurance against inflationary times and economic panics.

The companies that mine gold and silver for our industrial and personal consumption should be aware of the potential re-monitization of these metals by consumers and retailers; and what this could mean for their businesses in tough economic times. Recovery from a bout of depression caused by hyperinflation will depend a great deal on having a good supply of gold and silver and a vibrant mining industry to supply the money necessary to grow and expand a new economy and support international trade.

Craig D. Hanks
Eugene, Oregon

This article is taken from a chapter of my book SOCIAL BENCHMARKS. Other excerpts can be viewed at

Get the Best Deals on Gold and Silver Coins
Don't Pay Too Much for Gold and Silver Coins

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Cleaning your hearing aids

Hearing aids which fit in the ear.

When removing your hearing aid before you go to bed you should carefully wipe down with a soft dry cloth or tissue. You should also spend some time inspecting the part of the hearing aid that fits into the ear canal as it is likely that a accumulation of ear wax may have occurred. If this is the case then you will have to remove the wax. When you purchased the hearing aids you should receive a cleaning tool which can be used to do this which usually takes the form of a wire pick or a brush or you could also use a toothbrush.

Hearing aids which fir behind the ear.

As with the above, the procedure is similar. However, the main difference being that the ear mould which fits into the ear which is usually made of Lucite or silicone which is non-electrical and therefore can be washed in mild soapy water. Before washing it is important to ensure the earpiece is disconnected from the behind the ear section to ensure the electrical part of the hearing aid does not get wet. Dry the ear piece correctly before using and also ensure that the tube is clear of water. Please note that the tube may need to be replaced after a period of time usually 3 to 6 months as the flexibility may be lost.

Things not to do…

1. Wash the hearing aid with solvents or alcohol as this may cause the materials from which the aid is made to break down. You can purchase special cleaning fluids designed to clean hearing aids.

2. Don’t let the electrical part of the hearing aid get wet. Avoid wearing the aid when showering of bathing.

3. Try not to drop the hearing aid, especially on a hard floor as this may cause the hearing aid to break.

BTE Hearing Aid St Louis MO

Marketing you web site - Part 4 - Using newsletters, search engines and the yellow pages

Using Newsletters to market your web site

As I stated before, it can take several times for a potential client to begin to trust you. You also want to keep the clients that you have. Part of your marketing plan will be to stay in touch with your clients. Letting them know what is happening, any sales that you may be holding, or new products/services that you may have. A great way of keeping in touch is with a newsletter.

What is a newsletter? Simply put it is a communication between you and your subscribers. By offering information that the client may find helpful, you are offering a service to them that is of value. Immense value in fact. Your information may save them time and money. Building a trust between you and the client. This trust will turn to sales over time.

So what does it take to get a newsletter off the ground so to speak? Two things: First is to have the clients/customer sign up for the newsletter. This can be a simple email or mailing program. RD Web hosting has a mailing list package that is part of the hosting plan. It is simple yet effective. Click here to see it in action. The second thing is a newsletter. This can be written in any word processing program or in your email software. It doesn't have to be long and complicated.

Let's say for example you have found a new recipe. Something that you think your subscribers would be interested in. You type up the recipe along with an introduction and paste it into your email program or mailing list software. From there you send it to each of your subscribers. Cost? A few minutes of time. No printing or mailing charges required. Oh, by the way, in that little letter you sent to each subscriber, you place a little advertising for your web site or store. Or maybe you have 'sold' some space to a friend or business associate who may have something of interest to your subscribers as well.

Newsletters are a great and inexpensive advertising medium. Just remember to place articles of interest in the newsletter and not all advertising. There is nothing worse than getting mail that is all ads. Over time people will stop reading it if they don't find the information useful.

Using Search engines and marketing your web site

Search Engines (SE) are the mystery of the Internet. So many different types even from the users standpoint. There are over 225,000 search engines and directories on the Internet. How do they work and why should you care?

Basically, a search engine is a database of web pages that contains information about that page such as: where it can be found (URL); what is on it (Keywords); when it was last indexed; and a description (Title) of the web page. When you go to a search engine and type in your request (query) the database engine pulls up the data that matches your request. So a search engine is only as good as the data in it. How do we get that data? Most search engines are copies of the major databases. There are only a few real databases out there. So lets talk general terms. Data can be entered by the owner of the website. This information is then indexed and your site is listed. In the past that is how things worked. But we soon found out that people will do anything to get their website listed at the top of the page where they will be more likely to have the searcher click on their site. The owner of the database needed a better way. So programs where written called spiders to go out on the web and find websites. Then catalog each page of the website and enter that information into the database. Today that process is still going on. However, again the owners of the database have tried to make sure that the website information is correct and have been constantly changing the formula used to determine how a website should be listed based on it keywords, headers, titles, content, alt tags, etc. Some database owners even have people visit the website and make a judgment call. All of this is to insure that when you enter a search phrase into the search engine you receive the type of information you want. If you are happy with the search engine you will continue to use it and the advertisements placed on the search engine will help pay for the site.

Search engine technology is changing daily. To try and cover it here would be a waste of your time as it will be out of date tomorrow. So I have listed a site that does nothing more than follow and report on this technology. It is:
Search Engine Watch

What is important for us as website owners is know how to make sure we are properly listed and learn how to get the best listing on the search engines. So lets see... there are 1440 minutes per day and 225,000 search engines. That means if we spend just 10 minutes per search engine entering in our website information it will only take us1562 days to enter the information. But you should submit your website at least every other month, so you can see that is not going to work. There are all kinds of software and website services that will do this for you. But remember there are really only about 4 major databases that feed all those search engines. Even when your website is listed you may not have a very good placement due to other factors. As I said the database owners are constantly changing the rules. So what can you do?

Start with proper design of your website. Good content that is kept up to date. The spiders will find you over time and your ranking will improve as your use of keywords and content are evaluated. Other things that will help is the linking to your site from others. If you have good information, others will point their website to yours which will help your ranking in the search engines. All in all, this will take months to accomplish. But you want to start making money today!

Another way to get listed on search engines faster and at the top of the rankings is with PPC or Pay Per Click. PPC Search Engines charge you each time a user clicks your listing and goes to your website. In addition, many PPC have made arrangements with other search engines to place the paying website URL at the top of the listing (these are called sponsor sites). What does that mean for you as a website owner? Well, it means lots of traffic to your website that you can sell to over and over again. What will it cost? Hmmm how many secrets to give away in a free book :). Oh well, why not! The cost is dependent on how many other people want to be in the top listing. For example: has agreements with Yahoo, MSN, AOL and others that the 3 top bidders for keywords will be listed in the top 3 spots for that keyword on each of these search engines. By the way, as of December 2002 those 3 search engines accounted for over 80 percent of all searches on the web. Think that might be a nice place to have your website listed? Ok, back to the example. Let’s say I sell training, I research the keywords and find out that the top 3 positions go for $1.50, $1.45, $1.00 per click to my website. I have a product that sells for $795 per course. I could bid $1.51 and take the top spot. But remember I will have to pay the PPC for each person that clicks on my link. It can quickly run into the hundreds of dollars. I could also pay $1.01 and take the 3rd position saving me $.50 per click. Not all keywords are that expensive...some are more :). Actually you may find your keywords very inexpensive around 10- 20 cents per click.
PPC also do not care about keywords, titles, headers, content etc. So I can write a more compelling description here that will call to action the searcher to click on my site. BUT, once there I want to do everything I can to get them to leave their email address in exchange for my free product or gift. I do not want them coming back though PPC again. It will cost me more money that way. If I have their email address I can send them my link in other correspondence. We will talk about that later in auto responders.

Here is a list of some of the PPC. Since they drive qualified traffic to your site I would recommend using all of them. You will find your keywords cheaper on the less used sites but that is still traffic that you can sell to.

This is a lot of work. I know I have spent hours on Overture alone trying to monitor the website, keywords, and ranking.
I have said before in this course that automation is the key. The more we can automate the more time we have to spend on other things... maybe the family?

Using Yellow pages to market your web site

If you have a local business then you probably already have a business phone number. Most business phone services come with a listing in the local yellow pages. Be sure to list you website address. This is much more powerful form of advertising then just placing your address and phone number. Remember your site can offer specials, gather email or contact information, give away items or gifts to your customers to get them to visit your store, tell the customer so much more than you could afford to do in the phone book itself. Plus many people will bookmark your site and return time and time again once they see all the great information that you have available on the site.

I hope you have found some useful information in this package. I have strived to put together information about most of the different methods you can use to market you business.

Visit Philippine Business Directory an online yellow page in the Philippines.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Hearing Aid Prices - Know the Factors in Determining the Actual Hearing Aid Prices

Several factors contribute to the makeup of hearing aid prices. Other expenses such as medical examination, hearing test, adjustments, technology, batteries, warranty and service are added up to hearing aid prices; these costs are inevitably part of purchasing a hearing device. Nonetheless, you can still canvass for the most affordable dealers, manufacturers and store owners, who will offer you hearing aid prices that are suitable to your needs and your budget.

First in the line is the medical examination. This is a very crucial step, which helps you find out what has caused you to loss your sense of hearing. The process requires the physician to detect if your hearing loss is still curable. There are hearing impairments that can still be treated while some cannot be treated anymore. There are lots of medical insurance programs that cater to the cost of the medical examination; and so, you only need to pay partial expenses.

After the physician has already detected the medical problem in you, the next step is to undergo a hearing test to find out to what extent have you lost your sense of hearing; it will also help in determining the most suitable hearing device for your specific needs.

Trybionicear, which is the very first hearing device solely caters to a little of sound amplification. The technology of hearing devices originated from digital hearing devices. Digital technology- it is when hearing aids' main emphasis is on high-quality sound and amplification, and avoidance of unnecessary noise. The most expensive hearing devices are digital hearing devices. Yet, there are hearing devices manufacturers that only sell them at hearing device prices that best suit their budget.

Upon adding special features like flexible volume level, more advanced microphone and remote control, along with Bluetooth, you must expect that hearing aid prices will also increase.

Lastly, hearing aid prices became fairly expensive because of the warranties and batteries that went with the hearing aid product.

Visit For The Best & Inexpensive Hearing Aid!

Hearing Aid Maintenance Repair

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Chiropractor For Back Pain

Back pain is something most of us know all too well, lower back, upper back neck and head pain is a wide spread condition in almost every country and across all maturity ages. When people are faced with continues back pain that doctors tell them can not be helped through the use of ordinary medicine, they start looking for a chiropractor to ease their pain.

A chiropractor is not some miracle worker, nor are the chiropractors a part of the alternative medicine scene, far from it, these are highly trained professionals that know everything starts with the spine, and any type of back injury is somehow connected to the spine. Chiropractors use their extensive knowledge of the spine and back to find the source of the problem that is causing the patient back pain.

The understanding of how the back muscles and spine makes the chiropractor the most experienced professionals in this area, particularly when it seems that all hope is gone a chiropractor can reason out what is going on in your back, the muscle effort and the stress that is places on each part of the back can be analyzed and understood, and most importantly – you back pain cause can be solved, and the pain gone.

Chiropractors minimize the back pain and get your spine in balance, and once they have your spine in balance, the main work is to keep you at a controlled state in which you do not suffer from this pain any longer. This maintenance work can be performed by the implication of different and various methods.

In some cases patients are extremely stressed, causing their body to be highly tense and in a condition that is very difficult to treat, although these are definitely not the majority of the back pain population patients, it has been known that some rare cases encounter sever problems.

In these kind of cases it may be better to look for a chiropractor doctor to have them treat the condition. Sometimes the diet we eat can contribute to cramps in the muscles or problems with the joints, the body has a way of understanding that it should avoid using these muscles and compensate for their use. This muscle compensation may result in more back pain, and sometimes this can be solved by a visit to a chiropractor doctor.

This kind of doctor uses a more alternative approach to physical problems, learning from the Chinese and acupuncture techniques, they will use their hands gently to perform the best task to fix the ailment. The Chinese techniques have been used for centuries, and still are very popular today in many different parts of the world, and the Chinese are closely related in their acupuncture and acupressure techniques.

Some chiropractor doctors combine more than one technique or method to solve back pain and back problems, this is very important for the patient that does not have to go to a few different experts to treat the same problem, and knowing that you are in the hands of a chiropractor doctor is reassuring enough for you to let them do the work and solve your back pain.

Chiropractor Manipulation

Chiropractic Service

Monday, March 29, 2010

Low Cost Hearing Aids - Low Cost, Better Quality!

Only the very few can get insurance to cover the cost of their hearing device. For most people they have to get their own help to cope with hearing loss. For many hearing aids are too expensive because of the ridiculous prices that some manufacturers charge. If they are not able to get any assistance, there seems to be not much hope if they want to improve their hearing. If you belong in this category, there are solutions that could help you. Low Cost Hearing Aids could be just the thing to improve your life.

By logging onto a computer, you can surf the internet for many offers by sellers who sell brand name hearing devices rather than directly from the manufacturers. Often you can save money as these sellers are selling the hearing aids which you want but at an affordable lower cost. As the prices are more competitive you can look to buy a hearing aid that is more advanced technologically and more stylish than you thought possible. You don't have to miss out.

With Low Cost Hearing Aids you can hear voices much more clearly again with no distraction of background noise. With the technology of data learning functions, they can be adapted for your particular style of listening. This is the advantage of being able to buy at low cost so that you can afford these extra features.

If your hearing aids comes with directional microphones, you should be able to hear what is facing you quite clearly. You don't have to worry about any noise that is behind you, as long as the sound that you are trying to hear is in front of you. Some models come with a switch so that if want to hear everything that is around you, the directionality can be turned off.

If you have problems hearing certain frequencies, such as children's voices some of which are high pitched, there are some Low Cost Hearing Aids which are available with several channels. This allows your hearing aids to be adjusted according to your hearing needs with the many channels or frequency bands which can be set to your range. This will be done by your audiologist. As your hearing changes so these settings can be changed again.

There are people who suffer from a condition called recruitment, where sound can be too quiet one moment and then suddenly sound too loud. There are some Low Cost Hearing Aids which come equipped with a feature to cut down on the problem and also has control over feedback.

There are many hearing aids that come with memory presets. If you have one that is identical to one that a manufacturer has at a higher price, it might have several memories which can cope with the different listening environments.

We all rely on being able to use the telephone on a daily basis, so it is disabling if you're not able to use it. There are devices available on many of the Low Cost Hearing Aids which allow a person to listen to the telephone better. Some can actually work with cell phones which is good if you are out and about.

Hearing Aid Costs

Factors to Consider Prior to Buying a Hearing Aid

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Barbie Makes A Comeback

For those with other things in their life besides controversial plastic dolls, Barbie has had a rough time of it in the last few years. For almost five decades, Barbie has been the leading icon of fashion the world over. But in an instant all that changed. The classic good looks, multiple vehicles and dream houses weren't good enough - new fashion dolls had arrived in a big way.


The four teenage dolls who dressed in urban fashions offered something new to girls looking for updated playthings. Barbie might be a modern princess, but these four girls were "real." Bratz had an edge that Barbie simply couldn't compete with, and that was a dramatic shift in 2001, after four decades of essentially no competition in the fashion doll marketplace.

Barbie Stumbles...But Recovers

Hit by an urban onslaught, Barbie didn't have much of an initial response. The same style of doll had been updated over the years to reflect current styles and current demographics, but even the different styles of Barbie still maintained a more preppy look. Bratz weren't preppy, and they weren't always sweet and helpful. Not only are Bratz slightly younger, and therefore more appropriate for youthful styles, they are stealing away girls who have always wanted something edgier from Barbie.

Barbie felt the sting of rejection as sales of the popular doll slumped thirty percent in the United States in three years. But Barbie wasn't out of the game just yet. Not only did she still have a huge fan base including girls of all ages, she also had a great deal of fighting spirit. In 2004 Barbie broke up with Ken to try out the singles scene.

The split did the couple well as Ken underwent some changes and came back more attractive and stylish than ever. The changes made many curious about a renewed romance, but publicists for Barbie at least deny a new relationship. Then, possibly seeing the benefits a make-over, Barbie has one herself. Her wardrobe expands and her looks change slightly in 2007. The interest over Ken and now a revamped Barbie started the blonde's comeback.

The Fight Intensifies

Barbie isn't moving out of the top position without a solid fight, and so far she's not pulling any punches. In fact, Bratz might be feeling the heat. In 2005, Bratz manufacturer MGA Entertainment sued Mattel over the My Scenes dolls, of which Barbie was a part. The lawsuit is still pending, and the My Scene dolls are already fading in favor of other doll lines, but Mattel left no question that the Bratz couldn't simply arrive without resistance.

Not only are new doll lines being created to compete with each other, Barbie is continuing her comeback online. Barbie games on the internet are giving Barbie new grounds to reach fans and expand her fan base. Girls who might not enjoy an actual Barbie doll are playing dress up games with Barbie online and loving it. Online versions of Barbie have endless wardrobe possibilities and unlimited accessories. New styles are released daily and no plastic doll can compete with that.

Barbie Games


The Most Redeeming Quality of Greg Reyes

My name is Jeff and I am a close personal friend of Greg Reyes. I grew up in the Bay Area and attended Stanford University where I received a BA in economics. I currently reside in Los Altos where I live with my wife and three daughters.

I met Greg about thirty years ago while attending Saratoga High School. Besides having classes together, we both played on the football team and this is where our friendship really began. Through his intensity and leadership on the field, I later realized how this carried over to his accomplishments in the business world. Though college and our careers took us in different directions for awhile, over the last eight years we have formed a very close friendship.

I have always had great admiration for Greg's success as a businessman. He is truly a leader and is greatly respected by all the people that we know. They all appreciated Greg's dedication to Brocade and respected his integrity throughout his career. Greg was focused on improving his leadership skills at Brocade. On the trips that we would take together, he would always have a book with him that pertained to leadership. He strived to help people become better at their job and to develop the best team to support him.

His business accomplishments speak for themselves, but I am most impressed on how Greg has even greater dedication and value in his family and friends. But when you think about it, some of the qualities of a good family man and friend are not that different from the attributes of a good businessman. Both require hard work, sacrifices, loyalty, and honor.

Greg is one of the most generous people that I know and is always supportive of his family, friends and community. Greg is a giver, not a taker. Besides his financial support, he truly takes a personal interest in others and always inquires about their well being. He is the type of person that you can call at anytime of the day and he would be there to help.

This entire criminal process has been a very traumatic ordeal for Greg and his entire family. I still vividly remember sitting with Greg and Penny after the verdict. We sat and cried about what had just happened and questioned how this could have ever occurred. Then I watched my friend call his son and tell him about the verdict. I have had friends and family that have passed away, including my father, but I never felt as helpless as I did that day. In death there is closure and you move on with your life. Greg and his family must continue to wonder about his fate.

Greg’s solid character and integrity are his most redeeming qualities and this criminal process has put that into question by the many that do not know this great man. Greg is a good and honorable person who has already suffered tremendously over the past few years. Please take this information from someone who truly knows Greg Reyes and realize the devastation it will have on his family in deciding his fate. Thank you for your consideration in reading this letter.

Greg Reyes

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cheers to Better Hearing

If knowledge is power, then after you have finished this article, you will be feeling like Mighty Man when this subject is brought up in casual conversation.

Heed this letter in an enclosure is that red amethyst may be good for your ears.

For many existence doctors and scientists have been alarm us that undue alcohol consumption can head to a swing of diseases. In latest existence, however, new sign came to light insinuating that moderate bearing is good for what ales you. It can thwart or sluggish down many age-bonded ailments with hearing harm, the third most reliable returning form experienced by elder Americans, and touching about one-third of people over 65, and half of those in their 80s.

At slightest two studies, one in Sydney Australia, and the other at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, insinuate that an antioxidant reliable found in red amethyst can head to better hearing.

Keep reading further to learn how this topic can benefit you, as the rest of this article will supply you will the needed information.

Of course, red amethysts beneficial properties are not right new. Primeval Greeks worn it to heal fevers and consider wounds. In the brain Ages, amethyst was consumed liberally and abundantly in order to slay microbes conceded by sullied water and other unsanitary forms.

Subsequent improvements in shape fear, however, as well as the discovery of antibiotics and the development of other effectual drugs, eliminated the requisite to rely on alcohol as a heal-all. But in the last decade researchers unearthed impending shape profit red amethyst exerts on brain disease, melanoma, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer's, and other illnesses.

What is it about red amethyst that's so good for us?

Hers to Ears

A 2002 examine conducted at Macquarie University in Sydney on the prevalence, endanger realtors and impacts of hearing impairment on people over the age of 55 showed that reliable alcohol consumption was associated with a significantly decreased likelihood of moderate or bigger levels of hearing harm.

while the bond between alcohol (and specifically red amethyst) and hearing is not sunny, I guess that all the realities reflects the enhancement in micro-circulation in the cochlea as a outcome of the improvement in the cardiac practice due to moderate alcohol bearing, explains professor Phillip Newell of Macquarie's idiom, heeding and poetry study Centre, who conducted the examine.

And last year a band of researchers at the University of Michigan found that antioxidants in red amethyst can shelter the delicate tresses inside the interior ear, therefore plateful to relegate age-bonded deafness and even hearing harm acorn by loud racket. However, Johan Schacht, professor of biological chemistry in otolaryngology and manager of the U-Ms Kruse heeding study Institute, who led examine, cautions against uncorking that enclosure of amethyst too fast. We have documented that certain antioxidants can shelter the tresses cells in experimental animals from some forms of dent, for example by racket or by drugs such as gentamici, he says. The only connection to red amethyst is the reality that it does enclose antioxidants, most prominently reservation. In one examine a concentrated form was given to animals and that sheltered them fairly against racket dent.

The Miracle Ingredient

What is reservation and how can it gain the hearing? An artless compound found in large concentrations in red amethyst as different to fair or roes, which are not as stuffed in reservation - it is considered to be a good antioxidant, an element that counteracts the negative things of oxygen in tissues.

Scientists trust that the delicate tresses of the interior ear can be dented by the boundless radicals formed by routine cellular processes, in retort to loud racket, or exposure to antibiotics. Antioxidants such as reservation neutralize these boundless radicals, and, consequently, shelter against some of this dent.

That is good gossip for millions of people who undergo from hearing harm. But before you beer to your shape, keep in brain that alcohol consumption is a bend-edged sword; it can each gain you or make more troubles than it heals.

Tranquil Does It

Here is a sobering chunk of opinion: the key to all these studies is moderation.

As clear by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of shape and being navy, moderate bearing is no more than one beer a day for most women and no more than two beers a day for most men. A pennant beer of amethyst is usually considered to be five scraps, enclosing approximately half a scrap of alcohol.

Furthermore, some people should not beer at all. Pregnant or attention women, people with alcohol abuse troubles, those charming certain types of medications or undergoing from diseases that expect abstinence, should escape alcohol consumption.

That does not mean you have to forego the shameful profit of reservation because many non-alcoholic alternatives are stuffed in this antioxidant as well. Red grapes consumed with their skins, berries, peanuts, green tea, and even chocolate, are good sources.

If, however, there is no sound incentive why you should abstain from moderate bearing, go forward and improve a flute to good hearing. Red amethyst is nutritious and good for your ears and that's not just gossip.

What you have learned while reading this informative article is knowledge that you can keep with you for a lifetime.

Best Hearing Aid

Causes of Hearing Loss

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to find the perfect psychic reading

Now this statement is a bit of an oxymoron. A perfect psychic reading is not one that you hear everything you ever dreamed of hearing. A perfect one is a reading that you are told everything you need to know that will affect your life good or bad. Psychics on the World Wide Web are a dime a dozen, but the good ones are like gems in a mine. Just like psychic reading sites themselves. They can be found in the millions on the internet but that does not mean they are all reputable. You have to look hard to find one that is the right one for you. A good psychic will tell you your future with the up most honesty, at the same time as council you on the path you are on. Sugar coating is good in a dessert but definitely not in a psychic reading.

The first thing you need to look for is the reader’s feedback and profile. This will let you know exactly what other clients have expressed as to their happiness or dissatisfaction of their reading itself. You will gain the first hand knowledge of what to expect or not to expect. Are the comments negative? Then move to the next. Do you have a good feeling about this particular reader? Then by all means feel comfortable. The readers profile will help you gain a feeling using your intuition as to what level of trust you can get from the reader itself. You will learn how they are qualified to do psychic readings and their modes of divination like runes, tarot cards, or pendulums. You will also learn what their abilities are like clairvoyant (power to see), clairaudient (the power to hear), and empathic (the power to feel emotions) just to name a few.

Some sites have the ability to try out their services first before you purchase a private reading. Allot of sites today have specials where you can either chat with a psychic in a chat room environment, receive time free before you commit to call, or have a special for first time buyers. It is recommended that you try to see if the psychic can connect with you first before you make that first purchase. Sites that do not offer you a chance to connect or receive a cheaply priced private reading for first time clients should be avoided.

The psychic website that you go to should be viewed with a keen eye. Go into the chat room if they have one and see what other clients think in real time. Talk to them and get a vibe of how the site is and what to expect. If they have live readers in the chat room then build a rapport with them. Get to know them as individuals and treat them as such, since they are human just like you.

Whichever website you choose for your psychic readings I hope that you will go away with the answers to the questions you seek. When you find the right site you will know in your heart by the vibe you get. Psychics these days cost less than councilors, and do twice the work.

Astrological Readings | Psychic Readings Online

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hi Tech Greenhouses?

You probably don’t want to be constantly looking after your greenhouse yourself – opening the windows when it gets too hot, going round every few days and all the rest. It’s much easier to get automatic systems to do these chores for you.

To water your plants, you should install irrigation systems. These are basically small pipes that run underground and slowly release water into the soil – greenhouse models are very similar to the ones used on commercial farms, only smaller. These irrigation systems allow you to quite simply and easily set how much water your plants are getting with a tap, instead of you having to go and water them all by hand. Many plants will also respond better to being watered at the roots than they do to being watered on the topsoil, and they will often grow bigger, which is an added bonus.

The other thing you need is a cooling system. While it might seem odd to have a cooling system in a greenhouse, it is possible for them to get so hot inside that all the plants will get cooked and die, especially in a hot summer. Again, the cooling system will be a series of underground pipes, allowing hot air to be taken down underground and stored during the day, and then released when it is cooler in the night.

While greenhouses might seem to be quite basic things altogether, though, there’s nothing stopping you from going all high-tech with them. More advanced systems have electronic climate control, allowing you to set the exact temperature of your greenhouse, and will open and close underground tubes and other escape routes for hot air in order to keep the temperature in your greenhouse tightly controlled. This can be useful for growing plants that only do well in one specific climate, such as some kinds of tropical flowers.

how to build a greenhouse | build your own greenhouse

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Basics of Hearing Aid Repair

A regular part of owning hearing aids is repair and maintenance, especially in the first year of use. But, proper handling of your new hearing aids can save you the trouble and money.

Why Do Hearing Aids Need Repairs?

One of the biggest reasons why hearing aids need to be repaired is simply earwax and moisture. This accounts for 3/4 of all hearing aid repairs, and you can prevent it. Earwax builds up on hearing aids, especially smaller models. This is why it is particularly important to clean and take care of your hearing aids properly.

Clean your hearing aids with a warm cloth or tissue. Never let water come into contact with them, because they contain sensitive electronic parts.

Aside from getting dirty, hearing aids most often need to be repaired because of the electronics. Receivers often need to be replaced. Over a long period of time, electronics wear out, and your hearing aids may need new wiring.

The best way to save money on costly repairs is to handle your hearing aids properly, and make sure you are keeping earwax and other dirt out of them.

How Often Do I Need To Get Repairs?

Usually, smaller hearing aids need more repair and maintenance than larger ones. This means that CIC, or completely-in-the-canal hearing aids are the most often in need of repair. It's not because they are fragile and break easily, but because they require more regular maintenance than other types of hearing aids. They are also most sensitive to wax buildup.

All hearing aids need regular repairs or maintenance. With in-the-ear hearing aids, you may have to have something on it repaired every year or 15 months. In-the-canal hearing aids will need to be repaired more frequently, from 9 months to a year. And, completely-in-the-canal hearing aids will probably have to be worked on every 7 to 9 months.

Where Should I Take Them?

It is usually recommended that you take your hearing aids to an audiologist for repair, rather than sending them to the supplier.

How Much Will It Cost?

It varies quite a bit. Older hearing aids cost more to fix than newer ones, because the parts may be hard to find. Also, you will have to pay more if you have to send it to the manufacturer for repairs, rather than having it done in-house.

You should expect to pay at least $100 for circuit changes, although it could be much more.
Warrantees And Guarantees

When buying a hearing aid, make sure that your dealer carries a good warrantee. Warrantees differ by manufacturer, but you should be able to find one that covers repairs for an extended period of time. All warrantees will cover repairs in case of shoddy workmanship or faulty parts.

There should at least be a one-year full coverage warranty. When you first start wearing hearing aids, there will be some routine check-ups and maintenance, and they should be covered by your supplier.

Hearing aid repairs are covered under some insurance plans, but are not usually covered. If you wear hearing aids, you should definitely look for insurance that will pay for your maintenance and repairs.

The most common causes for hearing aid repairs, moisture and earwax buildup, are entirely preventable. Make sure to clean them with each use, and you can save money!

Compare Hearing Aids

Hearing Aids Newton MA

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Need Of Digital Programmable Hearing Aids?

It is scientifically proved that human ears become poor in their natural ability to hear the voices especially voices of low pitch and high pitch. As we know that human ear is a very sensitive organ of the body which can sense hearing in the range from twenty to twenty thousands tones per second. Many researchers and scientists have also belief in the fact that human sensitive senses become weak in progress as human being become aged. Sometimes performance of senses depends upon hereditary character, which transfer from generation to generation.

Social Effect On Hearing Loss:

With problem of poor hearing there are also some social effects for this natural deficiency. Sometimes people ignore the persons with low hearing ears in this case one may feel disgraced and dishonored. People also song as deaf to individuals having problem of low hearing.

Parameters For Choosing Hearing Aid:

The best remedy for hearing loss problem is to select a good hearing aid device. Among hearing aids, a digital programmable hearing aid are treated as the best one and selection of digital hearing device involves many factors. By having these hearing aids one can have stunning and wonderful results as far as sensing of voices is concerned. It can also make other people to feel comfortable in regard of mal-hearing socially.

Benefits Of Digital Programmable Hearing Aid:

As this world is progressing in scientific innovations multiple and quadruples, the digital programmable hearing aid is like a blessing as a result of scientific research for the individuals undergoing impaired hearing. It has ninety nine percent audible voice efficiency because of its high throughput performance audio sensed circuitry. It makes voice clear by canceling interference and over tone problems. Digital programmable hearing aid has also ability to make itself adjustable according to sensed voice input. In fact it is a true helper for the persons having hearing loss problem.

S.H. Demerits Of Digital Programmable Hearing Aids

As compared to low performance analogue audible voice senses the digital ones are costly. Digital programmable hearing aids are being the part of people's life from l987 but due to market trends no doubt it has more price. As a result of different taxes applied but with the passage of time analogue hearing aids are being discarded and are not likely to be adopted by the effected peoples.

Popularity Of Digital Programmable Hearing Aids:

With the advent of digital programmable hearing aid in market, all sects of people and many are adopting it. Many manufacturers are diverting their business towards making of digital programmable hearing aids due to its demand in market. The persons feeling such problem may contact audiologist in order to select digital hearing aid according to their suitability. These devices are becoming a reliable source for the solution of problem like hearing loss. It has saved the people from the deprivation of hearing loss, which has brought comfort to their life.

New hearing aid technology is always improving on the old. Digital hearing aids sample the sound in the same way that digital audio technology does, and can produce better sound quality.

Hearing Aids Albuquerque NM

Monday, March 1, 2010

One Type of Medical Assistant

In today's world, there are many medical careers that are available to people without the extensive funding needed to go to medical school. These positions in the medical field are just as important as the doctors and nurses, since they help a hospital to provide care to patients in need of assistance. If you are looking into becoming a medical assistant phlebotomist, you are already prepared to take an important step towards helping others in a hospital environment. There are many training options available for people that are interested in becoming a medical assistant phlebotomist.

What Is?

As a career title, a medical assistant phlebotomist is also referred to as a "phlebotomist technician" or a "phlebotomist assistant". Technically speaking, these are all titles that refer to a person responsible for drawing and collecting blood from patients. This position was designated in order to reduce the overwhelming list of duties assigned to doctors and nurses in a hospital environment. Since the duties of a phlebotomist can sometimes also be quite time-consuming, assisting a phlebotomist has become a job in and of it's own. The Assistant is responsible for a number of duties, which aid in making the job of a phlebotomist much easier.


Like a phlebotomist, the assistant is trained to draw blood from patients. They are also required to be familiar with the proper procedures required in order to ensure that the blood drawing equipment and environment is completely sterile. In most cases, the assistant will also help with drawing blood, and ensure that each blood sample is documented. If the samples are to be sent to the lab for testing, the medical assistant will often take care of that as well.


There are many reputable training programs that can be used to become fully qualified. Depending on your schedule, you may choose to either do a physical training class with hands-on training, or an online training course. No matter what type of training course you use, be sure that it has been certified by the national medical association. If you are hoping to become an assistant at a specific hospital, it's best if you contact the hospital for their requirements for phlebotomist technicians. They may suggest a specific training program for you, or may even provide you with training right at the hospital.


When you make the choice to become an assistant to a phlebotomist, you are engaging in a career that may help to save the lives of thousands of people. As an assistant, you may sometimes be a part of mobile blood drives, which travel around to collect blood from willing donors. This donated blood is then used for patients in need of a blood transfusion or other procedure. You will also be helping the phlebotomist to assist a larger number of patients each day. This allows the hospital that you work at to be more efficient, and to provide much-needed medical care.

Read here to know how to build certified medical assistant career Everything you should know about medical assistant training

Installing stairlifts

Installing a stairlift into the home is a complex and skilled task and should only be tackled by a trained professional who will ensure a correct fit and user safety.

A stairlift basically consists of two elements;

1) The Track -Straight or Curved rail leading up the stairs.
2) The Powered Chair - Comprising of a seat, footrest, armrests and control unit mounted on the track.

Prior to instillation the majority of stair lift companies will complete a survey to evaluate the environment that the stairlift will be fitted prior to confirming the final quotation.

As part of this survey the engineer will assess the condition of the stairs as the track or rail will be secured to it and so will be subject to the weight of stairlift and the user.

If the stairs are sound the first stage of an installation is to lay the track on the side of the stairs which offers the best access and user experience (normally discussed with customer during the site survey). A track is normally fixed to the stairs by using brackets screwed directly into the stair tread (the top of the stair). The track can be supported entirely by brackets or rest on the stairs themselves depending on the make and model. A track is normally supplied by the manufacture in smaller sections which are connected by the engineer to complete the installation.

When the track has been successfully installed the motor is generally installed next and the wiring work is completed.

Finally the seat is simply attached to the track and the motor and the stairlift will be ready for testing by the engineer.

A curved stairlift causes a more intensive installation as the track is required to follow the curves of the wall. Generally curved stairlifts are considerably more expensive to purchase due to increased installation time and more complex engineering required within the product.

A standard straight stairlift can normally be fitted in 1-2 hours depending on specification.

electric stair lifts

electric stairlifts

Monday, February 22, 2010

Estate Silver Jewelry Is A Hot Fashion Pick!

Sterling silver is an excellent choice in estate jewelry. Long lasting, easy to care for, and so beautiful. Buying estate jewelry sterling silver can be a lot of fun but it can also be confusing.

Whether you are looking at sterling silver for a gift for that special someone or looking to add to your own jewelry to make that fashion statement, it's important you understand the terms that are used throughout the industry. Once you understand the terminology you will be better equipped to choose quality pieces of sterling silver jewelry and you'll be able to complete your purchases with a lot more confidence.

It doesn't matter whether you are buying on line or at your local store. It doesn't matter if you are buying in the USA or Canada or in Europe or China. The terminology used to describe silver are the same around the world.

Sterling silver jewelry has always been popular and remains so today. Sterling silver estate jewelry has also shared it's time in the limelight but in recent years its popularity has exploded. That's because buyers are looking for something a little more unique than modern sterling silver can offer. Everyone knows how beautiful sterling silver is and how durable it is, that's one of the reasons it's such a popular choice. And of course let's not forget how affordable it is!

Silver has it history into ancient times, but has not survived as well as gold. Unlike gold which has no ill effects from age and exposure sterling silver does. It deteriorates over time. Throughout history sterling silver has experienced bursts of popularity where it was far more vogue than wearing gold jewelry. Today is one of those periods in time!

Silver is the most common of all the precious metals. Fine silver is pure silver but it not commonly used for jewelry because it is way too soft and bends and breaks far too easily. Instead fine silver is mixed with copper. 925 parts of silver are mixed with 75 parts of copper which is just enough copper to firm up the silver to make beautiful jewelry. This 925 grade is called sterling silver throughout the world and is recognized as the purest form of silver available for jewelry.

This is the mark you are looking for. Either that or the actual sterling mark. Both will guarantee you that what you are buying is sterling silver and not some cheap base metal like nickel which will wear and look awful very quickly.

Silver has many benefits over gold. It is much lighter weighing about half as much as gold. It is much more flexible but not as malleable so it allows for beautiful jewelry creations. Lastly it is much less expensive yet it will last you your lifetime and probably those of a couple of more generations. Two exact pieces one in silver and one in gold. The gold piece will cost 5 to 6 times more than the sterling silver piece.

Current fashion trends which include a lot of black or dark materials have added to the popularity of sterling silver as it looks very well with black. In fact it has much more of a dramatic impact than gold does.

Silver likes to be worn. It helps keep it shiny and beautiful. Left hanging for any length of time means you'll need to polish it to remove the tarnish. In our fast paced world silver is an excellent choice. Just as we have wash and wear clothing silver is an excellent grab and wear style of jewelry.

So the next time you are in the market for some quality sterling silver jewelry be sure to check out estate silver jewelry!

Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

I found beautiful Sterling Silver Jewelry at this fun website!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hearings aids for home living

There are a number of products which can be purchased to make living at home easier for the hard of hearing. Below are examples of such products.

Wake up alarms
Door lights
Smoke Alarms
Phone signallers

Alarms to wake up the user

It is common practice to remove hearing aids at night prior to sleeping. It may therefore be necessary to have an alarm clock which caters for the heard of hearing. Such alarms use different systems to wake the user including flashing lights, vibration and loud sounds. Depending on the users level of hearing one of the systems may be more suitable than the other. The vibrating system can be placed under the pillow or mattress.

Door Alarms to signal a visitor.

If the user hearing aids are of or turned down then a door alarm will be required. The most common system uses lights to make the user aware of a visitor. Other systems are wireless and use a pager to inform the user that they have a visitor.

Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are a very important safety feature that will emit a very loud sound or flashing lights to inform the user of the danger. A single alarm can be connected to several receivers, which can be placed in all the rooms of the house to inform the user wherever they are. Such systems can be installed professionally or purchased in a plug in form.

Telephone Phone Signallers

To inform the user that the telephone is ringing a phone signallers can be installed which operates by a flashing light or very loud ringing. The system is connected to the telephone line and then connecting a light to the signaller, which then flashes when a call is received. Remote systems are also available to transmit the phone signal to other rooms.

Hearing Aid Styles

How To Clean Hearing Aids

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alcoholism-An Unwanted Epidemic

Treatment of Alcoholism

Pervasiveness of alcohol intoxication is the most important factor for a brain disorder in US alone. In the United States around 20 Million people including adolescents are suffering from some serious alcohol related problems. It is the second most dangerous factor of premature death after Cancer. In fact many believe that it has out-ranked cancer. If we count the persons affected (family members, friends and other relatives), more than 50 million people are seriously affected by this unwanted phenomena we call Alcoholism. There is not a specific group of persons that have a greater chance than another to develop alcoholism; factors such as high depression, unsolved problems, and stress contribute largely to push a normal human being to be alcohol addicted. Depression increases with alcohol. It also hinders the proper working of blood cells needed by the brain and the heart.

Those countries in the word that have faced alcoholism know the effects of its addiction and in the development process as well. A large number of people in the so called "High Society" where alcohol addiction is termed as fashionable and a necessity, they too somehow get themselves addicted to alcohol sooner or later in their life which effects their working performance, their attitude in the work place, there reaction to everyday problems, their methodology to solve a problem etc. The treatment of an alcoholic person is of two types one is medical based and other is morale based which includes rehabilitation as well.

Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism

With the large number of alcoholics in United States their budget for medical research to eliminate alcoholism is increasing day by day. By a rough estimate it is believed that U.S. spends around 115 Million U.S. dollars every year for research and development of alcohol-based drugs, which is the largest in the world. With so much of invested in this field, many of the most advanced medical treatments are now available to eradicate this epidemic. But even after all this, the problem is still at the stage where it was. Reason being that this requires self-improvement more than medical treatment alone. You cannot push an alcoholic person to get medicated for the alcoholism forcibly and if you do so there are very marginal chances you will succeed

Self-Grooming With Morale Support

Non-alcoholic persons often see alcoholics with hated eyes. That makes the recovery process even more painful. An alcoholic who wants to get rid of this problem would not expect to be treated himself with hated eyes. To over come this problem now there are many rehabilitation centers where any person willing to get himself out of this habit can go and get treated with full sympathetic morale support. This support helps him to rebuild himself in the society and in the eyes of his family member or friends.

Eric Funston is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information on Alcoholism [] and treatment. You can research more information on his website at []

Living with an alcoholic is a very fragile existence, the relationship always undermined by a breach of trust or a potential breach of trust. Find out at on how to deal with it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Going Green without Spending Green

We have this mistaken idea that to go green, we have to spend green dollars. Well, actually, you do not need to strain your budget just to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. In fact, you will be fattening up your wallets with these tips on going green without spending your green dollars. And trust us, these ways are easy, effective and convenient.

Reduce Food Waste

Your grocery bill may constitute more than 50 percent of your total household bills. Thus, any and all efforts to reduce food waste will add up to big benefits to your pockets and to the environment for many reasons. You can achieve this end by:

* Reducing your food consumption in terms of shopping for groceries.
* Using leftovers for new dishes and enforcing a no-dregs policy
* Planning meals in advance to avoid too many leftovers

Use Heaters Wisely

We are so dependent on hot water for many of our needs from washing our bodies to washing our dishes and clothes. Well, go green by choosing cold water for many activities in the house. Start by taking cold showers when the weather permits instead of hot tub baths. Then progress into using unheated tap water for washing your hands, dishes and clothes. Studies have shown that tap water is just as effective in killing germs as hot water. The trick is in washing your hands properly for 20 seconds, soaking the clothes for 30 minutes to remove stubborn dirt and washing off the dregs on the eating utensils before placing on a full dishwasher.

Unplug the Appliances

You can save as much as 10-15 percent of your electricity bill simply by unplugging the cords from their sockets when these are not in use. This is because so-called phantom electricity does not flow from the grid into your appliances. And speaking of appliances, you can save money by either buying ones with the Energy Star logo or ones that have been refurbished. Of course, make sure that the refurbished appliances are also energy-efficient. You ought to save money in the long run instead of sticking to your run-down appliances. However, do recycle said old appliances with the manufacturers or with the recycling centers.

Use Recycled Materials for Your Home

As much as possible, use recycled materials for your home. You can purchase scrap lumber from hardware stores, vintage wood and glass panels from garage sales and old houses, utensils and ornaments made of recycled materials from green stores and sites, to name a few options. You will often spend less on these items and yet get as much mileage as you possibly can from them. Better yet, you should adopt the motto of environmentalists everywhere - reduce, reuse and recycle. You will soon find that indeed being eco-friendly has its rewards for you and for your children's children.

Starting today, take a look around your home and see what else needs to be done to be as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Read about ways to start going green in the kitchen and more about the different ways to recycle.

Why We Designed Our Own NAS Servers For Use In Our Data Center

Over the past few years, we at Technetium, Inc. have had the opportunity to deal with Snap because of our model 14000 Snap servers. One day we installed new managed switches and the Snap Web-based management console would no longer operate. It would just hang at gigabit speed. To make a long story short, after exhausting all of my options on the Internet, I sent Snap technical support an email to try and resolve the problem. Here is their response:

Your case, 000000000005476, was updated. Please refer to the information below for our response. Please Click here if you need additional support on this issue.

Please do not reply to this email as it will not be seen by a live representative.

Your Query:

I have 2 snap 12000s and they will not negotiate 1000tx to my Dell Powerconnect 5324 switch. I'm afraid to set the nic in debug to anything other than auto.

It also shows half duplex when the switch shows full duplex.

Thank you in advance,

Todd Foster

Our Response:

Good morning Todd.

Again this is not technical support. We can be reached on a pay-per-incident of $120.00 through our 2 numbers: 408-934-7274 and 321-207-2000.

Adaptec Customer Service

To my dismay, they wanted $120 just to talk to me, and my bet is they wanted another $1,000 or so to upgrade the software. On their Website I could not find any way to buy support for this model any more. And by the way, to add replication between 2 of their Snap servers, it would cost something like $1,000 per box.

So, here we are, with 2 boxes, no support, and I'll bet that you can't even buy parts for it any more from Snap, much less anywhere else (maybe eBay?).

Off we go to buy new NAS replacements. Originally these 14000's were $10K apiece, for roughly 1TB of storage. All things being equal, I should be able to buy a NAS box for really cheap (yeah right!). What I found was that a high-quality NAS system that would do RAID 5 would cost between $3,500 and 4,500, not to mention that a 1TB Snap 520 would be over $5K. That is when we decided to build our own NAS servers!

With a great backround in PC/server hardware, it was easy for me to pick top-quality hardware and brand name components. I still have Pentium Pro servers that work! I chose the best hardware, put it in a rack mount server case, and voila! I have a NAS server. Here is the list of components:

* FreeNAS redone to work with the hardware that we provide
* Kingwin 4 in 3 Multi-Drive Bay SATA Internal Hot Swap Mobile Rack, w/ Key Lock, LED Indicator & Two 40mm Cooling Fans
* SONY Beige DDU1615 Internal EIDE 16X DVD-ROM Drive
* Enermax ELT500AWT 500W Power Supply
* 4U IPC-4071 Rackmount Chassis Server Case - Beige Color
* Transcend TS256MCF45I-D flash card
* 4 ea. Seagate(ST3500630NS)500GB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200RPM 16MB Buff Hard drive
* Addonics ADSACFW CF to SATA adapter
* 3WARE 9650SE-4LPML SATAII RAID controller
* INTEL XEON 3060 775 2.4G 4M
* 1Gx2|Kingston DII667 KVR667D2N5K2/2G

We need an OS now, and for that I picked FreeNAS ( which runs on FreeBSD. You can't ask for a more stable operating system. And by the way, the FreeNAS OS runs from memory and boots from a CF card (no chance of the hard drive crashing and destroying the config). This custom built NAS system has turned out great, and our client is very pleased with the money we saved them.

Data Center Migration

Data center migration services

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Personal Bailout and Stimulus Package - 5 Assets You Might Have Overlooked

If you haven't noticed by now, your government isn't going to do much about your personal economic crisis since you, as an average American, aren't big enough or important enough. You can be allowed to fail. So do you complain about how governments are inherently unfair to the normal person? Or do you look at what you have and make some decisions for yourself.

Here are 5 assets you might have that could provide your own stimulus and you won't have to borrow it from the Federal Reserve System

1. Mortgage note If you sold property, either residential or commercial, and did the financing yourself (seller carry, it's called) then you have a valuable asset. Now you might be happy to have the extra income, but did you know that you could sell some of that note for cash now? You can get lumps sums of money for other investments, medical expenses, vacations, home repairs or whatever you want by selling a pre-determined number of those monthly payments. And then when the time's up, those payments flow back to you.

2. Business note If you sold a business in the last couple of years, chances are you carried the note to do so. That note is producing revenue, but you might like to get a large chunk of your investment now for some other project. There are investors who specialize in helping you sell such notes.

3. Structured Settlements If you settled a personal injury suit with your insurance company through a court settlement, then you are receiving payments based on a plan designed by the insurance company and approved by the court. These plans definitely favor the insurance companies by stretching the payments out over as much as 20 or 30 years. But, regardless of what the insurance company says or even what your lawyer says, you can assign the payments to an investor who will "advance" you a lump sum of money in exchange for receiving a pre-determined number of those monthly payments. When the time is up, you get the payments again.

4. Senior Life Settlements As a senior citizen aged 70 or greater, you may still be making payments on a life insurance policy that will only benefit survivors who don't really need it. In the meantime, you are spending money that could be used for yourself: unexpected medical bills, gifts to a grandchild or the long overdue honeymoon with your spouse. There are investors who will buy these policies and give you a lump sum of cash in return for being assigned as beneficiary.

5. Lottery winnings If you have been fortunate enough to have won a lottery here in the US and chose to take the monthly payments instead of the lump sum, you could sell your winnings for a lump sum even years after winning.

So, if you have one of these assets, let's talk about you setting up your own stimulus plan and telling the government to take a hike!

Tom Dewell has over 30 years of diverse business experience, much of it in Europe. This has included traditional bricks and mortar sales and marketing, small business management and internet marketing. Much of his career was spent dealing with the human aspect of business and providing motivation to his colleagues and co-workers. Early on he learned the value of a mentor and how invaluable they can be in business endeavors and in life in general.

Use any of our tools and informative articles such as our Income assistance programs related articles.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

There Are Lots Of Nursing Jobs, But Will An Online School Give You What You Need For A Nursing Career?

There are approximately 3,000,000 RNs in the United States. That may sound like a lot but in actual fact; there is a shortage of young people going into the nursing profession. There is also the added problem of the older experienced RNs retiring within the next 5 to 7 years. Some hospitals rotate part time nurses as a solution but this may not be workable in the long term.

In the last 20 years there have been so many more opportunities for women in the work place that the nursing profession has suffered. We are in a position now that it is crucial to promote it widely and do what can be done to entice more people to take an interest in the nursing profession.

Fortunately the pay scale for qualified nurses has increased by as much as 12% in the last few years. Certification and geography play a big role in what kind of salary you can get. If you live in the New England or Pacific area, then the salaries are much higher. Also large hospitals with a high bed count typically pay more. And of course certification also makes a huge difference in salary. The range is huge. The average RN earns $40,000 to $58,000 per year. Specialty nurses can earn $65,000 to $80,000 per year depending again on certification and geography.

With the busy lifestyle we lead today, online courses are a great option, especially if you have children and want to further your education in a nursing career. There are several accredited online courses to help you achieve your goal. Your research skills can pay off big time if you do your homework and find the best online solution for you. Online courses now can get you Associate, Bachelor, Master, PhDs and more. There are also online sites that help you with your resume to help place you when you are ready.

If you are thinking about entering the nursing profession chances are you are a caring individual and want to help people. This I think is a wonderful gift you give of yourself and the health profession needs you. The word needs to get out to encourage young people to consider a nursing career for now and future health care.

Online LPN Programs

Online LPN Nursing Programs

Monday, January 11, 2010

Download Music Legally With These Online Services

There are mainly two kinds of music download services online. There's the services that allow you to buy tracks you can download and then there are subscription services that let you listen to full tracks online in return for a monthly subscription fee. Some do both.

Napster from pirate to megastar

Napster offers you unlimited access to 1,500,000+ songs.You can listen to an unlimited amount of music each month. You get over 50 commercial free and interactive radio stations. You can discover what other people are listening to with easy to use sharing features allowing you to swap songs with other Napster members.

Napster also allows you to burn the tracks you buy to CD and listen to them wherever you go. Napster offers a 7 day free trial of their subscription service.

Rhapsody, Real's music juggernaut

Rhapsody is a service that is owned by Real. With Rhapsody you get unlimited access to over 1,500,000+songs, complete music jukebox software to manage your entire collection, and over 80 ad-free radio stations. They also allow you to create and share your playlists (a standard feature among most online music services.) You can even watch music videos and see pictures of the artists from your favorite band.

Rhapsody includes a free 14-day trial of Rhapsody Unlimited. If you don't own a credit card, they have a service they call Rhapsody - FREE where you can listen to hours of free music every month. Besides these subscription type services, you can also purchase music downloads from their RealPlayer Music Store. They have over 1,000,000 songs that are ready for purchase.

So which service is right for you? I would suggest you give each of them a try. All of them let you listen to short clips of the music before buying and the subscription services have free trials. You can't lose.

Thomas is a successful webmaster. Find out how you can access to legal music downloads with 7 to 14 day free trials, visit

Koop iTunes Gift Cards.

Monday, January 4, 2010

UltimateWeb hosting aimed for SEO

Do you ever think of why your website can’t ranked top in search engines, or never been listed in search engine? Think again… you might choose the wrong web hosting plan!

Yes, a lousy hosting provider with slow server and bad uptime, tons of downtime… will google get this site listed on top 1 of the search result (SERP) ??? Definitely this is not going to happened. Poor quality site will never ranked, poor quality host will never ranked either.

Over the pass 5 years in using web hosting, and late 1 year in hosting reviews writing, I had come across few hosting provider that I blacklisted as ‘seo failure host’. Those hosting either have search engine bots blocked or having a bad server. Some hosting does block the google bots, just to save on server usage and internet bandwidth. Regardless shared hosting or reseller hosting, they will blocked it. We have seen this at dreamhost and godaddy. After the server is off loaded with SE bots, they can sell more hosting plan. This is bad news!

I come across few hosting provider that helps my websites and blog to get listed in top 5 of google search engines. And the hosting is hostgator. Hostgator is offering discounts sign up by the use of proper hostgator coupons code. My websites will have tons of hostgator coupons for you to choose from.

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Conclusion is that, A good hosting will permit your website to get listed in search engines! My sites listed!

Bourne SEO offers Web Design in Sussex and other services.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Debt Relief Agencies

Debt relief can also be provided by other agencies. They can advance you personal loans when you need to pay off the first loan. Strictly speaking this is not debt relief, however just a temporary relief to help you tide over your instant cash needs. These personal loans can carry a hefty interest payout. Therefore it's important that you pay the personal loans as soon as possible.

You can also withdraw cash from ATM against your credit cards however there are surcharges included. Therefore the cash withdrawals or advances against your credit card should be paid back as soon as possible, this is a good debt relief strategy that should be taken immediately. Resist from withdrawing cash from the ATM, which are of another bank as this also attracts a surcharge. Pay the small debts first and then go on to the bigger debts. In this way, you can start getting the benefit of debt relief. There is innumerable debt relief advice that you can get from many websites as well as financial magazines. Even newspapers and girlie magazines such as Cosmopolitan give debt relief advice.

You can also seek the help of a financial advisor, who can tell you how to do debt management as well as manage your payments. If your bank is given standing instructions by you, they can also debit your checking or savings account, this is one debt relief advice that is very easy to follow. Thus your loan accounts are automatically getting debited without any extra effort on your part. Take debt when absolutely necessary like for buying a house or education. Make a future plan to draw a revenue model, from where you expect to make payments for the debt. This can go a long way in debt relief for you.

So begin your research for an agency now. Don't dally or your debt may get out of control.

Kristy Sinsara

Kristy Sinsara

Adventures with Hypnosis

In 1949, I had a real problem with a dental phobia. Four dentists had turned me down as a patient. I had two abscessed teeth and a mouthful of other cavities. My dental phobia was so bad that it had forced me to go to a hospital some years earlier in order to have three abscessed teeth removed while I was unconscious.

I went to a dental convention where I found the recommended dentist who did hypnosis. He couldn't work on my teeth, but he said he thought he could help me. So, at the lunch break, I went to his room with several other dentists, and he hypnotized me with a “standard” induction technique. Then, he taught me a psychological trick of relaxation. If I raised my left hand whenever I felt my right hand becoming a fist, indicating tension, the dentist would stop, and I would relax my right hand, and lower my left hand.) I didn't believe it would work, but I made an appointment with the last dentist who had turned me down and had recommended hypnosis.

For the first few minutes, I kept raising my left hand, and he stopped immediately. After that, I didn't need to raise my left hand much at all, and he worked fast.

He pulled the two bad teeth, and drilled and filled a dozen more in one single hour and half session. I had Novocain for the bad ones, and didn't need it for the others. Both the dentist and I were amazed at this, and he asked if I were really twins

To me, a 22-year-old engineering student, this was a genuine “miracle”, and I started to learn all I could about this miracle cure. I read everything I could find, from the 1700's literature about Mesmer, Coue, etc, up to Erickson, Barber, etc.

I became an electronic engineer, and pursued this as my major career, but my avocation continued to be hypnosis, and by extension, psychology. (Much of behavior psychology is similar to hypnosis). I used it professionally, taught it in a major university to doctors, and continued to learn about it. I performed some “shows”, and considered a career as a stage hypnotist, but was more interested in using it for helping people, as it had helped me.

In 1979, I left electronic engineering, and turned to psychology. I went back and obtained a Doctorate in Psychology based on my education, life experience, and my doctoral dissertation. I became a successful Behaviorist Psychologist for years in private practice in Florida. I gradually converted to an Orthomolecular practice when I found that these types of therapies worked better than any “talk therapy”, although talk therapy is sometimes useful as well.

Hypnotic Relaxation

During this many years of study, and later career as a psychologist, I realized that what that original dentist who hypnotized me had actually done. With hypnosis, he had simply given me a “new” conscious tool of relaxation. Using this simple tool, I could actually change something in my unconscious called a “phobia”. It wasn't really a miracle, though I had thought so at the time. Adding this knowledge to my knowledge of Pavlovian “conditioning responses”, I came up with what I called the Bate Relaxation Technique.

This is very simple, yet it can be very powerful - much more powerful than most realize because of its simplicity. It starts with a general hypnotic induction technique of relaxing the body muscles, starting with the toes and going up to the scalp and face. Then, in a state of muscle relaxation, ask the subject to visualize a very beautiful relaxing scene he/she is in. Describe the scene. Ask them to concentrate on how beautiful and very relaxing it is.

Then, ask the subject to memorize the feelings of relaxation and concentration they are feeling at that time. Have them put these feelings into their memory like a photograph. Then, give them a post-hypnotic suggestion that they can now recall those feeling any time they simply count to three. End the session, and have the subject stand up, take a deep breath and simply count to three.

It's simply amazing how the shoulders often slump 2-3 inches or some other muscles that the subject usually tenses from stress relax. I describe the “strange” feeling as sort of a “blah” feeling. (As subjects stand up from the session, their “normal” pattern of muscle stress takes effect, and the “instant” relaxation is definitely experienced.)

I then tell the subject that they now have the pattern, but it up to them to use it often, several times a day, even if not needed, for the next week or so. This will set this pattern into their unconscious as a “conditioned response”. (Remember Pavlov's dog?) Now, they have the same tool I got from the original dentist, but it is much more enhanced and valuable. It instantly relieves stress of any kind.

Driving a car a long distance is very stressful. My wife and I recently drove over 20 hours straight thru, with me driving about 14 of those hours. At 78 years old, that's not “usual”. The secret - we both simply count to three every so often and are able to relax behind the wheel. Muscle tension is very tiring, and few are able to relax this muscle tension behind the wheel.

This relaxation technique is very useful in many ways in helping to solve psychological problems of phobias, compulsions, and even some serious physical problems. I was able to solve dozens of Asthma problems in all persons between 7 and 15 years old, and was often successful with older persons as well. (Kids in this age range are very suggestible; some adults are too cynical.)

The system is simple, but effective. First, teach the relaxation. Then, have the patient emulate a really bad asthma attack. “Come on, get really bad, your throat is closing more and more.” It's getting worse and worse.” When the patient really starts to become in distress, say, “Now, count to three”. As he gets to three, he relaxes, and says, “Now, it's gone, and you are in control”.
Many years ago, I did this routine on the 14-year-old son of lifelong friends. When I was visiting them a few years ago, I walked into the store of the son, and he recognized me immediately. I was surprised as it had been over 20 years since he had seen me. He said, “Do you think I could ever forget the man who cured my Asthma?”
It was another great day for my ego.

There's nothing magical or even mysterious about it. All you are doing is teaching a new “trick” to the unconscious mind. This “trick” of instant relaxation is learned as a conditioned response by repetition and use. It becomes a tool for the conscious mind to use in all types of situations to reduce stress. As everybody knows, stress ages us, diminishes the immune system, and helps to kill us.

The various forms of yoga and other meditation techniques are similar, yet different. They relieve stress of course, but are of little use in immediate stressful situations. This relaxation is immediate.

This also can be used for self-hypnosis, positive statements and visualizations.

I also used it for patients that wanted to stop smoking as a “substitute” for that instant craving that comes to an addicted smoker.

One idea makes a lot of people “afraid” of hypnosis. The idea that another person has “control” over them, and can make them do literally anything. Every experiment ever conducted has shown that this is simply not true. Hypnosis cannot force a person to do anything that is against his/her moral code. The unconscious mind is very protective, and is what we are working with either with hypnosis or subliminal training.

There is some possibility of “indirect” misuse of hypnosis. I once witnessed a hypnotist demonstrating this. He had a very attractive woman who was very hypnotizable (instantly into somnambulism by snapping his fingers). He hypnotized her, and told her to take off her clothes. She awoke instantly and was embarrassed, but had no conscious memory of why.

He then hypnotized her again, and this time, told her that she was at home in her bathroom with the door closed, and she was going to take a bath. She calmly started to take off her clothes. He stopped her before she got too far, but she was obviously going to completely strip.

It was interesting how he stopped her. He told her that someone had come into her home, and was near the bathroom door. She said, “Don't come in. I'm not dressed”.

He then had her get dressed, and woke her. She had no memory of the incident.

When I was a young man, I had a girlfriend who I had sex with once or twice. And she had been hypnotized several times as well. One night I wanted sex, but she didn't. I used the cue that hypnotized her, but to no avail. She refused, even hypnotized. So, the idea that someone can make you do something you do not want to do is false. I can testify to that personally. Our unconscious mind is very protective of us in all ways, even though some ways may be wrong.

Of course, if you work with either hypnosis or subliminal training, or virtually any type of serious psychology you have to be aware of the unconscious mind, as that entity is always what you are trying to influence.

Hypnotic Age Regression

This is a very useful tool for a psychologist, or, for that matter, any doctor of any stripe. Under even “light” hypnosis, it can be used to “pull” details from the life of the patient that he/she has forgotten consciously. (The unconscious memory has everything in it.)

There are several “tricks of the trade” involved. After my Relaxation Technique, I used a “deepening” technique that went something like this, “Now, I want you to imagine and visualize yourself going down an escalator as I count to ten. One, imagine yourself stepping on and feeling the steps form under your feet. Two, as you move down, relax even more. Three, as you go down further, concentrate more and more. Four, and as you relax more, you can concentrate more. Five, this positive circle of concentration and relaxation continues as you move down.”

Continue with similar repetitions thru nine, and then, “Ten, step off the escalator into a room. This room is yours alone. It is only in your mind, and no one else can ever get into it. You can make it anything you want. In this room, you can do anything or visualize anything that will help you to be a better person. In this room you can remember anything you want.”

Next, I would start the questioning. For example, a man came to me to try to find a lost valuable diamond engagement ring. He and his fiancé had broken up, and she had returned the ring to him. He remembered taking the ring, but when he got home, he couldn't find it at all. I did the above technique, and then started.

I said. “I want to you to go back in time to the moment when she handed you the ring. Where were you and she at that time?”

He replied, “We were in her living room.”

“Alright, see yourself taking the ring. What did you do with it?”

He said, “I'm putting it into my small watch pocket of my jeans.”

“OK, now you are leaving her. What happened next?”

“I'm getting into my car, and driving home”

“Good, what happens next?”

“I'm going into my bedroom, and changing clothes.”


“I have to go to a baseball presentation dinner.”

“OK, what did you do with your jeans?”

“Oh NO! I had put them in the washer!”

That was the story. He went home and found the ring stuck in the washer. (The usual story of such is that it gets caught in the “U” drain under a sink.) This illustrates the value of “age regression” as a memory aid.

Of course, it's also useful to uncover the beginnings of phobias and compulsions. A woman came to me with a cat phobia and asthma. I did the usual as above, and with a couple of other useful techniques found the problem. One “trick” is to say, “OK, now you are going back in time. It is your 15th birthday. You are awake in that morning. Do you have asthma?”

She replied, “yes.” (She had earlier said on intake questioning that her asthma had started very early. I start well past that so as to get the patient used to going back.)

“Ok, now you are ten years old, just waking up on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer.
“OK, you are now five years old, on your birthday. Do you have asthma now?” Same answer

I worked back thru 4 and 3 and 2, 1, and started back in months. I got to the ninth month, and she didn't have asthma. Still she had no memory of anything that was related. So, I went to her tenth month, and went backwards, day to day with the same question. I got to the day when she did have asthma. Now I asked her, “What happened to you during the last day that caused you to have asthma? I am going to count to three, and when I get to three, you will remember everything. One, you're starting to remember. Two, memory is coming back. Three, you now remember everything.”

She then related, “I was lying on my back in a crib, and the cat jumped into the crib, and lay across my mouth. I couldn't breathe, or call out, and I was scared. I don't know what happened, but I think I hit the cat, and she went off me.”

It was two birds with one stone. Cat phobia, and asthma caused at that point. Asthma is often a “protective” device used to keep oxygen in the body. Most can easily breath in but have real problems breathing out. This was her case.

Then, we get to the really interesting part. Age regression to past lives. As an agnostic, I don't really know if the many stories I have heard from many persons are true, or something from the universal mind or what?

Probably the single most impressive story is from the man who came to me with two lifelong phobias that he had had since earliest memory. He was deathly afraid of fire and water. He thought that these phobias might be from past lives, and asked me to try to find out.

He was easily hypnotizable, and with little urging went back thru birth to the previous life. He had been a circus clown, and been burned to death in a circus fire. It was then simple to go back to a previous life to that. It seems that he had stolen a horse, and was caught. The vigilantes didn't have a tree, so they hanged him from a bridge. The rope broke, and he drowned. Of course, it took much more time to go thru, and some suggestions from me. He was cured according to a phone call a week later.

I've had several such interesting cases. Another was fascinating to me. Under hypnosis, a man kept saying, “All I can see is a bird”. I kept after him about this bird for 10 or more minutes, but he couldn't see much more than this bird. Finally, he said, “It's a black bird, and it's on my shield”.

I pressed him harder about his shield, and did he have a sword and a horse. He suddenly screamed, “There's blood all around me, and all over me and my horse. I'm killing people all around with my sword, and they're trying to kill me! ”

I questioned him closely, and it became evident that the date was 1066 at the battle of Hastings as the Normans conquered England.

Is the story true? I cannot say with any certainty, but it was impressive.

When I gave seminars and talks on hypnosis, I usually finished with doing my Relaxation Technique, and my deepening. Then, I would say, “In your room, sitting comfortably, I want you to let your mind go out of your body. Let it go out into space, and as you see earth behind you as that familiar blue and white marble, see space as almost velvety, with stars and planets being very clear and steady. It's really beautiful out here in space. Now, you are coming to a white cloud that is getting bigger and bigger, and you are now entering it. On the other side, there is another blue marble world. As you approach, it looks like Earth, but as you get really close, you see no huge cities, but beautiful parks and lovely buildings that seem to be a part of the landscape. As you come to it, and walk about, you notice that the people are all friendly, and the animals are all friendly, and the gardens and parks all around are simply the loveliest you have ever seen. You are filled with the same sort of happiness that it seems everybody there has. You are at peace with yourself and that place.”

“Now, it's time to leave, and we are going back into space again. Ahead of us is that same white cloud, and this time, as we enter it, we make a left turn, and we are now going back in time. The year is 1700 on Earth, and as we come back to Earth in that time, we are going to each go into a body in that time and place. I want you to look at your feet, and your clothes, and your surroundings, and have a sense of who you are in that body. Now, it's time to return. We are leaving this time and place, and going back thru that white cloud, and back to that blue marble of earth, and back to that comfortable seat, and into your own body again. As I count to three backwards, you are gong to awaken, not drowsy or sleepy or affected by my voice at all, and you will remember everything you experienced.”

Then, I count, “Three, two, one, awake fully awake. Now, how many persons really experienced that beautiful planet?”

About a third or more really did visualize it clearly. (A few were somewhat angry with me for not leaving them longer!) Then I asked, “Now, how many persons experienced themselves in 1700?” Surprisingly, about one third had very good and clear visualizations. One woman was indignant “I had bare feet, and scratched legs, and I was a serving woman”. She had a very high opinion of herself in this life obviously. Needless to say, these stories were very interesting, and varied. One woman impressed me with, “I was in a dark place waiting to be born.”

Of course, such stories do not prove anything. They could be products of imagination, or simply scraps of something from the unconscious or universal mind. However, or whatever they are, taken in bulk from honest persons with no known vested interest, they do prove something beyond our conscious knowledge.

An “Impossible” Story

Here's a true story that is unbelievable to many people. In reading about hypnosis, I came across an article where a professional hypnotist had claimed that he had been able to increase a woman's breast size using hypnosis. I dismissed that claim until in 1978; I read an article by Dr Ted X. Barber in the Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about hypnotic phenomena. This article discussed many different hypnotic phenomena, including several experiments at several different colleges that had all done a similar experiment. As I recall (at this much later date), each college used 8-12 women, all of whom were somewhat flat chested, and all wanted larger breasts.

All were carefully measured, above and below the actual breasts, and across them at the nipples. Once a week for 12 weeks, they were hypnotized as a group, and told to visualize things like, “See yourself in a mirror naked with larger breasts. Admire your larger breasts. See how good they look, and how good you feel with them. Now, see yourself dressed in a very becoming dress, and how well it looks on you with your new breasts. It increases your self-confidence as well. “

These comments were repeated several times. As I recall, the average for all of the various experiments was that 80% actually increased their breast size, and the average increase was 2.1 inches.

Let's take another deeper look at this. The average success rate for losing weight by hypnosis is considered to be less than 65%. In other less reported breast size experiments, DECREASING breast size in women with overly large breasts, the success rate was negligible.

In addition, this suggestion is specific - add body cells to a certain part of the body only! We have no knowledge if actual mammary cells were added, or only fat cells, but still!!!

I've won two bets from other psychologists that this story was published in a reputable scientific journal. I made a hypnosis tape specifically for “breast enlargement”, and heard for a few of the women who purchased it that it did indeed work for them. Unfortunately, few people report either success or failure.

Why doesn't hypnosis work better on the “lesser task” of losing weight, or losing breast weight? The explanation is difficult, but in my experience the social “advantage” to women of large breasts inhibits the unconscious from losing this “advantage”. Some women are “punishing” their selves (or their husbands) by being fat. (Sort of “love me for me, not for my body”). Motives of the unconscious mind are often murky and difficult for our conscious minds to understand. The computer analogy of “garbage in - garbage out” applies here.

Harmful Unconscious Ideas

The unconscious mind can be a force for good or bad. It apparently doesn't discriminate - again like a computer. If a virus gets in, it can distort many other programs in different ways.

Let's examine a very illustrative case. A woman brought in her 8 year old boy for hypnosis for bedwetting. I did the usual direct suggestion, and told her to keep him off all milk products for at least a week.

Two days later, she and her son were back. No success. This time, I did age regression hypnosis. He went back (with a little urging) to when he was 4. He was in bed almost asleep when he heard someone trying to get in his window. He was so scared that he wet himself, and cried out. The burglar (real or imagined) left. The unconscious “logic” to this boy - urination protects from intruders in night. It wasn't difficult to remove this logic (computer virus), and his mother said that he hadn't wet again a few months later.

The great master of hypnotic therapy, Milton Erickson, once had an almost comic situation that he solved in a unique way. It seems that a recently married couple came to him because each was a bed wetter. On their honeymoon, the bed was wet each morning, and each thought the other was very thoughtful in not mentioning it. After a few days, they each confessed and came to Erickson.

He made them agree to do exactly what he said, and then told them to kneel on the bed when they were ready for sleep and each had to urinate, and then sleep in it. They came back several days later, and they had kept their word. He then told them, “Since you did as I told you, tonight you can go to bed normally without the urination, and come back tomorrow”. The next day, they said the bed was dry in the morning, so he “allowed” them another dry night. Then another, and then he declared them “cured”.

These two stories illustrate the immense power of the unconscious for both good and bad. One of the major jobs of the unconscious mind is to “protect” the physical body (home of the unconscious mind) from harm. If a threat is perceived whether real or imaginary, it goes into action, even if the action may be harmful to itself.

Phil Bate PhD - Retired Orthomolecular Psychologist
Inventor and Patent Pending Holder for
Brain Wave Amplitude Changing via Auditory Training
lose weight with hypnosis