Monday, February 22, 2010

Estate Silver Jewelry Is A Hot Fashion Pick!

Sterling silver is an excellent choice in estate jewelry. Long lasting, easy to care for, and so beautiful. Buying estate jewelry sterling silver can be a lot of fun but it can also be confusing.

Whether you are looking at sterling silver for a gift for that special someone or looking to add to your own jewelry to make that fashion statement, it's important you understand the terms that are used throughout the industry. Once you understand the terminology you will be better equipped to choose quality pieces of sterling silver jewelry and you'll be able to complete your purchases with a lot more confidence.

It doesn't matter whether you are buying on line or at your local store. It doesn't matter if you are buying in the USA or Canada or in Europe or China. The terminology used to describe silver are the same around the world.

Sterling silver jewelry has always been popular and remains so today. Sterling silver estate jewelry has also shared it's time in the limelight but in recent years its popularity has exploded. That's because buyers are looking for something a little more unique than modern sterling silver can offer. Everyone knows how beautiful sterling silver is and how durable it is, that's one of the reasons it's such a popular choice. And of course let's not forget how affordable it is!

Silver has it history into ancient times, but has not survived as well as gold. Unlike gold which has no ill effects from age and exposure sterling silver does. It deteriorates over time. Throughout history sterling silver has experienced bursts of popularity where it was far more vogue than wearing gold jewelry. Today is one of those periods in time!

Silver is the most common of all the precious metals. Fine silver is pure silver but it not commonly used for jewelry because it is way too soft and bends and breaks far too easily. Instead fine silver is mixed with copper. 925 parts of silver are mixed with 75 parts of copper which is just enough copper to firm up the silver to make beautiful jewelry. This 925 grade is called sterling silver throughout the world and is recognized as the purest form of silver available for jewelry.

This is the mark you are looking for. Either that or the actual sterling mark. Both will guarantee you that what you are buying is sterling silver and not some cheap base metal like nickel which will wear and look awful very quickly.

Silver has many benefits over gold. It is much lighter weighing about half as much as gold. It is much more flexible but not as malleable so it allows for beautiful jewelry creations. Lastly it is much less expensive yet it will last you your lifetime and probably those of a couple of more generations. Two exact pieces one in silver and one in gold. The gold piece will cost 5 to 6 times more than the sterling silver piece.

Current fashion trends which include a lot of black or dark materials have added to the popularity of sterling silver as it looks very well with black. In fact it has much more of a dramatic impact than gold does.

Silver likes to be worn. It helps keep it shiny and beautiful. Left hanging for any length of time means you'll need to polish it to remove the tarnish. In our fast paced world silver is an excellent choice. Just as we have wash and wear clothing silver is an excellent grab and wear style of jewelry.

So the next time you are in the market for some quality sterling silver jewelry be sure to check out estate silver jewelry!

Sher from Estate Jewelry International have been serving customers for over 20 years, providing affordable estate jewelry, and a wealth of information on jewelry, fashion, designers, and beauty with on staff industry professionals. Please visit us at Estate Jewelry International.

I found beautiful Sterling Silver Jewelry at this fun website!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Hearings aids for home living

There are a number of products which can be purchased to make living at home easier for the hard of hearing. Below are examples of such products.

Wake up alarms
Door lights
Smoke Alarms
Phone signallers

Alarms to wake up the user

It is common practice to remove hearing aids at night prior to sleeping. It may therefore be necessary to have an alarm clock which caters for the heard of hearing. Such alarms use different systems to wake the user including flashing lights, vibration and loud sounds. Depending on the users level of hearing one of the systems may be more suitable than the other. The vibrating system can be placed under the pillow or mattress.

Door Alarms to signal a visitor.

If the user hearing aids are of or turned down then a door alarm will be required. The most common system uses lights to make the user aware of a visitor. Other systems are wireless and use a pager to inform the user that they have a visitor.

Smoke Alarms

Smoke alarms are a very important safety feature that will emit a very loud sound or flashing lights to inform the user of the danger. A single alarm can be connected to several receivers, which can be placed in all the rooms of the house to inform the user wherever they are. Such systems can be installed professionally or purchased in a plug in form.

Telephone Phone Signallers

To inform the user that the telephone is ringing a phone signallers can be installed which operates by a flashing light or very loud ringing. The system is connected to the telephone line and then connecting a light to the signaller, which then flashes when a call is received. Remote systems are also available to transmit the phone signal to other rooms.

Hearing Aid Styles

How To Clean Hearing Aids

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Alcoholism-An Unwanted Epidemic

Treatment of Alcoholism

Pervasiveness of alcohol intoxication is the most important factor for a brain disorder in US alone. In the United States around 20 Million people including adolescents are suffering from some serious alcohol related problems. It is the second most dangerous factor of premature death after Cancer. In fact many believe that it has out-ranked cancer. If we count the persons affected (family members, friends and other relatives), more than 50 million people are seriously affected by this unwanted phenomena we call Alcoholism. There is not a specific group of persons that have a greater chance than another to develop alcoholism; factors such as high depression, unsolved problems, and stress contribute largely to push a normal human being to be alcohol addicted. Depression increases with alcohol. It also hinders the proper working of blood cells needed by the brain and the heart.

Those countries in the word that have faced alcoholism know the effects of its addiction and in the development process as well. A large number of people in the so called "High Society" where alcohol addiction is termed as fashionable and a necessity, they too somehow get themselves addicted to alcohol sooner or later in their life which effects their working performance, their attitude in the work place, there reaction to everyday problems, their methodology to solve a problem etc. The treatment of an alcoholic person is of two types one is medical based and other is morale based which includes rehabilitation as well.

Medical Treatment Of Alcoholism

With the large number of alcoholics in United States their budget for medical research to eliminate alcoholism is increasing day by day. By a rough estimate it is believed that U.S. spends around 115 Million U.S. dollars every year for research and development of alcohol-based drugs, which is the largest in the world. With so much of invested in this field, many of the most advanced medical treatments are now available to eradicate this epidemic. But even after all this, the problem is still at the stage where it was. Reason being that this requires self-improvement more than medical treatment alone. You cannot push an alcoholic person to get medicated for the alcoholism forcibly and if you do so there are very marginal chances you will succeed

Self-Grooming With Morale Support

Non-alcoholic persons often see alcoholics with hated eyes. That makes the recovery process even more painful. An alcoholic who wants to get rid of this problem would not expect to be treated himself with hated eyes. To over come this problem now there are many rehabilitation centers where any person willing to get himself out of this habit can go and get treated with full sympathetic morale support. This support helps him to rebuild himself in the society and in the eyes of his family member or friends.

Eric Funston is a successful Webmaster and publisher of He provides more information on Alcoholism [] and treatment. You can research more information on his website at []

Living with an alcoholic is a very fragile existence, the relationship always undermined by a breach of trust or a potential breach of trust. Find out at on how to deal with it.